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In a survival situation iodine is essential to have readily available, especially if there is a nuclear event of any type (see the section on Potassium Iodide supplementation for full details). Iodine is also essential to have due to its ability to disinfect water. After treating water with iodine you should let it stand for half an hour; this will allow enough time to kill off all the viruses and bacteria. If the water is cold (less than 68 degrees F) then you will have to give it four hours to be sure it is sterilized.

If you check the list of some of the most powerful nutrients to boost your immune system, Iodine stands out from the crowd.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, cold intolerance (you always feel cold), constipation, hair loss, bags under your eyes, and if severe enough, the thyroid gland will swell (goiter). A goiter is evident when looking at a person you will see a swollen area at the front base of their neck, below their larynx or Adam’s apple.

There are other more far-reaching effects of hypothyroidism including stopping ovulation and infertility in women, and increased risk of other cancers including prostate, endometrial, breast, and ovarian.

As a Prepper, iodine is one of the most useful items to have on hand; it is relatively inexpensive, and I also recommend you stockpile a good supply of potassium iodide for any radioactive exposure from a nuclear event as well as other forms of iodine such as Nascent Iodine for daily use, etc. Other sources of iodine are mostly from sea vegetables like kelp, seafood, and shellfish.

Note: The iodine content of iodized salt cannot be used as a source of iodine, since the amount you would need to raise the iodine levels in your blood would be fatal.


Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency

A deficiency of iodine can have serious effects on the body. The symptoms of its deficiency include the following:

  • Depression and frustration
  • Mental retardation
  • Poor perception levels
  • Goiter
  • Abnormal weight gain
  • Decreased fertility
  • Coarse skin
  • Chances of stillbirth in expectant mothers
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue

Iodine is an essential mineral you must get from your diet.

Here Are 9 Healthy Foods That Are Rich in Iodine

1. Seaweed

Seaweed is a good source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It’s also low in calories.

Seaweed is one of the best natural sources of iodine. However, the amount can vary significantly based on seaweed type, the region in which it grew and its preparation.

Three popular seaweed varieties include kombu kelp, wakame, and nori.

– Kombu Kelp

Kombu kelp is a brown seaweed sold dried or as a fine powder. It is often used to make a Japanese soup stock called dashi.

In a study that surveyed seaweed samples from various Asian countries for their iodine content, it was found that kombu kelp contains, by far, the highest amount of iodine compared to other species of seaweed.

Kombu kelp can contain up to 2,984 mcg of iodine per seaweed sheet (1 gram). This provides almost 2,000% of the recommended daily intake.

Excess iodine consumption is well-tolerated in the majority of people but could result in thyroid dysfunction for those who are susceptible.

– Wakame

Wakame is another type of brown seaweed that is slightly sweet in flavor. It is commonly used to make miso soup.

The amount of iodine in wakame seaweed depends on where it is grown. Wakame from Asia has higher amounts of iodine than wakame from Australia and New Zealand.

One study found that the average amount of iodine in wakame seaweed from various parts of the world was 66 mcg per gram or 44% of the daily recommended intake.

– Nori

Nori is a type of red seaweed. Unlike brown seaweeds, it has a much lower content of iodine.

Nori is the type of seaweed that is commonly used in sushi rolls.

The iodine content in nori varies between 16–43 mcg per gram or about 11–29% of the daily value.

Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine. However, the amount it contains depends on the species. Kombu kelp offers the highest amount of iodine, with some varieties containing nearly 2,000% of the daily value in one gram.

2. Cod

Cod is a versatile white fish that is delicate in texture and has a mild flavor.

It is relatively low in fat and calories but offers a wide variety of minerals and nutrients, including iodine.

According to the Icelandic Food Content Database, fish low in fat have the highest iodine amounts.

For instance, 3 ounces (85 grams) of cod has approximately 63–99 mcg, or 42–66% of the daily recommended amount.

The amount of iodine in cod can vary slightly depending on whether the fish was farm-raised or wild-caught, as well as the region where the fish was caught.

Higher amounts of iodine are found in fish low in fat compared to fatty fish. For instance, a lean fish like cod can provide up to 66% of the daily value.


3. Dairy

Dairy products are major sources of iodine, especially in American diets.

The amount of iodine in milk and dairy differs greatly based on the iodine content in the cattle feed and the use of iodine-containing disinfectants during milking.

A comprehensive study measured the iodine content in 18 different brands of milk sold in the Boston area. It found that all 18 brands had at least 88 mcg in 1 cup (8 ounces) of milk. Some brands even contained up to 168 mcg in one cup.

Based on these results, 1 cup of milk can provide 59–112% of the recommended daily amount of iodine.

Yogurt is also a good dairy source of iodine. One cup of plain yogurt provides approximately half of the daily recommended amount.

The amount of iodine in cheese varies depending on the type.

Cottage cheese is one of the best sources of iodine. One cup of cottage cheese provides 65 mcg, while one ounce of cheddar cheese provides about 12 mcg.

Although the exact amount of iodine in dairy products varies, milk, yogurt, and cheese are major sources of it in the American diet.

4. Iodized Salt

Currently, both iodized and unionized salt is sold in the United States.

The addition of iodine in table salt began in the US in the early 1920s to help decrease the occurrence of goiters, or swelling of the thyroid gland.

There is approximately 71 mcg of iodine in 1/4 teaspoon of iodized salt, which is 47% of the daily recommended intake. However, salt also contains sodium.

In the last few decades, iodine intake has decreased in the US. This is likely due to the push of major health organizations to restrict daily sodium intake to prevent or treat high blood pressure.

Nevertheless, salt only seems to raise blood pressure in salt-sensitive individuals, which is about 25% of the population.

Iodized and unionized salt are commonly sold in grocery stores. Consuming 1/2 teaspoon of iodized salt per day provides enough iodine to prevent a deficiency.

5. Shrimp

Shrimp is a low-calorie, protein-rich seafood that is an excellent source of iodine.

Additionally, shrimp provides key nutrients such as vitamin B12, selenium, and phosphorus.

Shrimp and other seafood are good sources of iodine because they absorb some of the iodine naturally present in seawater.

Three ounces of shrimp contain about 35 mcg of iodine or 23% of the daily recommended intake.

Shrimp is a good source of protein and many nutrients, including iodine. Three ounces of shrimp provide approximately 23% of the daily value.

6. Tuna

Tuna is also a low-calorie, high-protein, iodine-rich food. Furthermore, it is a good source of potassium, iron, and B vitamins.

Tuna is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which may lower your risk of heart disease.

Fish higher in fat offer lower amounts of iodine. Since tuna is a fattier fish, the amount of iodine found in tuna is lower than in leaner fish varieties, such as cod.

However, tuna is still a relatively good source of iodine, as three ounces provide 17 mcg or about 11% of the recommended daily intake.

Tuna offers less iodine than lean fish but is still a relatively good source. Three ounces of tuna provide about 11% of the daily recommended amount.

7. Eggs

Eggs are also a good source of iodine.

For fewer than 100 calories, one whole egg provides a lean source of protein, healthy fats, and a wide assortment of vitamins and minerals.

However, the majority of these nutrients, including iodine, come from the yolk.

Egg yolks are a good source of iodine because it is added to chicken feed. Yet since the content of iodine in chicken feed can vary, the amount found in eggs can also fluctuate.

On average, one large egg contains 24 mcg of iodine or 16% of the daily value.

The majority of iodine in eggs is found in the yolk. On average, one large egg provides 16% of the daily recommended amount.

8. Prunes

Prunes are plums that have been dried.

Prunes are a good vegetarian or vegan source of iodine. Five dried prunes provide 13 mcg of iodine or about 9% of the daily value.

Prunes are commonly known for helping relieve constipation. This is because of their high content of fiber and sorbitol, a type of sugar alcohol.

Prunes are high in many vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin A, potassium, and iron.

Because of the nutrients prunes offer, they may help improve heart health, decrease the risk of colon cancer, and even help manage weight by reducing appetite.

Prunes are packed with vitamins and nutrients. Five dried prunes provide a good vegetarian source of iodine by meeting 9% of the daily value.

9. Lima Beans

Lima beans are commonly associated with the popular Native American dish succotash, which mixes lima beans and corn.

Lima beans are a good source of fiber, magnesium, and folate, making them a heart-healthy choice.

They are also a relatively good vegetarian or vegan source of iodine.

Due to the variation of iodine in soil, irrigation water, and fertilizers, the amount of iodine can vary in fruits and vegetables.

However, on average, one cup of cooked lima bean contains 16 mcg of iodine or 10% of the daily value.

Lima beans are high in fiber, magnesium, folate, and iodine. One cup of cooked lima beans provides about 10% of the daily value of iodine.

The Bottom Line

Iodine is an important mineral, though few food sources are rich in it.

This is why many people around the world are at risk of developing a deficiency.

The foods highest in iodine include seaweed, dairy, tuna, shrimp, and eggs. Additionally, most table salt has been iodized, providing an easy way to add iodine to your meals.

The foods listed in this article are not only some of the best sources of iodine, but they’re also very nutritious and easy to add to your daily routine.

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If you check the list of some of the most powerful nutrients to boost your immune system, Iodine stands from the crowd

The rosemary plant is one of the most popular medicinal plants in the world, as well as a healing herb with a very long history of use in places including Italy and Greece, dating as far back as at least 500 BC.

According to an article published in Nutrition Today:

The genus name Rosmarinus is derived from the Latin “Dew of the Sea” and has traditionally been associated with remembrance, love, and fidelity… For centuries, this plant has been an ingredient in folk medicines with associated claims for relief of such diverse symptoms and conditions as dysmenorrhea, mental decline, epilepsy, pain relief, and infertility.

Recent research has shown that whether consumed as an essential oil, tea or seasoning, rosemary benefits can include promoting digestive health, mental clarity, hair and skin health, relaxation and more.

What Is Rosemary?

Rosemary is a herb that grows on the evergreen shrub known as Salvia rosmarinus (formerly Rosmarinus officinalis). The rosemary plant is native to the Mediterranean region and has been used in cooking and herbal/folklore medicine for thousands of years.

Today it grows across Asia, America and Europe.

How is rosemary used? It’s most often used for culinary purposes, including adding earthiness and other flavors to recipes. Additionally, it has many therapeutic and household uses, including making herbal teas, candles, perfumes, hair care products and more.

This herb has a strong smell and taste, and it is also packed with antioxidants, volatile oils and other protective phytochemical compounds. Rosemary’s taste is described as warm and somewhat bitter.

It’s in the same plant family as mint (the Lamiaceae family, which consists of more than 7,000 species), yet doesn’t have the same distinct menthol flavor.

The rosemary plant is also the source of concentrated rosemary essential oil, which is used to help relieve conditions including pain, inflammation, gastrointestinal pains, anxiety and respiratory issues. The essential oil of rosemary has been found to contain many protective compounds, including:

  • cineole
  • camphor
  • α-pinene
  • borneol
  • rosmarinic acid
  • rosmanol
  • carnosol
  • carnosic acid

Rosemary Benefits

What is rosemary good for? Aside from having a pleasant fragrance and taste, this herb is a good source of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, as well as essential nutrients including iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and B6.

Here are some of the top rosemary benefits and uses:

1. Provides Antioxidants

Because of its rich supply of antioxidants and bioactive chemicals (including phenolic diterpenes, such as carnosol and caffeoyl derivatives), consuming rosemary can help fight oxidative stress and support the immune system. It’s also known to promote healthy circulation and to defend against inflammation, which can lead to pain.

Another way that rosemary’s antioxidants can be beneficial is due to the ability to promote skin health by fighting free radical damage that leads to signs of aging.

2. Can Help Lift Your Mood and Boost Alertness

Like some other herbs in the mint family, rosemary’s smell is considered a “cognitive stimulant” and can help make you feel more awake and focused. Some studies have also shown that compounds within rosemary/rosemary oil have neuro-protective effects and the ability to improve memory and cognitive performance by preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical in the brain that contributes to concentration and memory retention.

Additionally, the uplifting and energizing aroma of rosemary has been linked to improved moods, reduces drowsiness and reduced stress levels, including due to its ability to decrease release of the “stress hormone” cortisol. This is the reason you’ll find rosemary in some candles, home sprays, aromatherapy oils, etc.

3. May Help Stimulate Hair Growth

Rosemary (most often in the form of rosemary oil) is found in some hair care products intended to help promote hair growth and a healthy scalp, since it can fight against dandruff and skin irritation that causes dryness. It may also decrease the effects of testosterone on hair follicles, which can lead to hair loss and balding/thinning.

4. Helps Relieve Indigestion

This herb, whether cooked with or steeped in herbal tea, has long been a natural remedy for digestive issues, including loss of appetite, heart burn/acid reflux, gas, bloating and abdominal pains. It seems capable of stimulating the release of digestive fluids including bile, which assists in digestion and can support normal nutrient absorption.

5. Has Natural Antimicrobial Properties

Within rosemary there are compounds that can help defend against proliferation of certain types of harmful bacteria, including those that contribute to infections. Rosemary extracts are even used as food preservatives in some cases because they can help stop bacteria from growing.

The smell of rosemary also acts as a natural bug repellent and may help prevent certain insect bites, including from ticks and other bugs that can spread illnesses and viruses.

6. Can Help Promote Metabolic Health

Rosemary has been associated with metabolic benefits including helping to treat high blood sugar and poor insulin sensitivity. While it likely won’t be enough to prevent diabetes on its own, it’s recommended for people who wish to improve their high blood sugar levels.

How to Use (Recipes)

The rosemary plant is used extensively as a culinary spice around the world. Here are some examples:

  • It’s made into herbal tea to promote digestive health and relaxation.
  • It helps season meats in the cuisines of Europe and the Middle East.
  • It’s often found in marinades for lamb, pork, turkey and chicken dishes.
  • Rosemary leaves are added to soups and beverages in India for their flavor and nutrient content.
  • Whether dried or fresh, it’s added to stews, casseroles, fish, potatoes, salads, pastas, and breads in many European countries.
  • The Spruce Eats recommends also pairing it with grains, mushrooms, onions, peas and spinach.

Can you eat fresh rosemary? Yes, although it’s typically cooked with or steeped to make herbal tea.

If you have fresh sprigs of rosemary, you can prepare the herb by first rinsing it with water and then removing the sprigs from the woody stems before chopping them finely. Another option is to use whole sprigs, which can be added to stews and meat dishes, then removed before serving.

Dried herbs can last for many months when stored in a sealed container. To store fresh rosemary, wrap the sprigs in a damp paper towel, and put them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

How do you make rosemary tea? Can you drink rosemary tea every day?

  1. To make rosemary herbal tea, combine 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs (preferably fresh) with 8 ounces of water.
  2. Steep the herbs for 5 minutes or longer, depending on the strength you’re looking for.
  3. You can also add other herbs and flavor enhancers, including lavender, thyme, parsley, lemon juice or raw honey.
  4. Consuming about 1–2 cups daily is safe for most, although use caution if you take any medications (see below).

Can you consume rosemary oil?

This essential oil should not be taken internally, but it is safe for most people to use topically on the skin or to inhale via aromatherapy. Avoiding putting it on open wounds, and get your doctor’s opinion about using it if you’re pregnant.

Where does rosemary grow best? It grows best in full sun (at least six hours daily of sunlight) in locations with well-drained soil, whether it’s a garden bed or large pot.

It’s a perennial herb and will grow back for several years, most often from the spring through fall. It’s somewhat drought-resistant and can also withstand slight freezing temps.

Some of the varieties most often grown as culinary herbs include blue boy, Spice Islands and white rosemary.

Drug Interactions, Risks and Side Effects

When rosemary is consumed in usual culinary amounts, or as an approved food additive, is considered generally safe, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. When consumed in high amounts, especially as an essential oil or extract, it can potentially cause some side effects, such as an upset stomach, vomiting, spasms or changes in blood pressure, although these reactions are rare.

Rosemary essential oil has been recognized by the FDA as generally recognized as safe for its intended use as a food additive. Rosemary extracts have been used for more than 20 years in the food industry as both a flavoring agent and preservative, but it’s possible for some people to experience allergic reactions to rosemary in rare cases.

If you’re allergic to other herbs in the mint family, avoid consuming rosemary, and be careful about applying products that contain rosemary essential oil.

Rosemary has the potential to alter urination, blood clotting and blood pressure levels, which means it can potentially interact with certain medications and should be avoided in these cases. Speak with your doctor before adding large amounts or rosemary or this essential oil to your diet if you take these drugs:

  • Anticoagulants/blood thinners
  • ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure
  • Diuretics
  • Lithium for mental health disorders


  • Rosemary is an herb that’s native to the Mediterranean that has long been popular in folk medicine. It can be cooked with, used in herbal tea or used to make essential oil that has many therapeutic applications.
  • Rosemary benefits include helping provide antioxidants and other nutrients; improve your mood, focus and memory; promote hair growth; relieve inflammation and pain; and defend against growth of some bacteria and insect bites.
  • Ideas for rosemary recipes include making herbal tea or adding some to roasted turkey or chicken.

Benefits can include promoting digestive health, mental clarity, hair and skin health, relaxation and more.