23 Prepping Items that You Can Find at the Dollar Store
It can become costly to plan for an emergency or large-scale catastrophe, but it doesn’t need to be. Although investing in high-quality equipment is...
It can become costly to plan for an emergency or large-scale catastrophe, but it doesn’t need to be. Although investing in high-quality equipment is...
Food is one of the crucial items for your bug out bag and INCH bags. You should know the difference between a bug out bag and an INCH bag. An [&hellip...
One of the central pillars of preparedness is being able to feed yourself. Preppers focus some of their attention on stockpiling food as well as creat...
Let’s face it, food can be heavy and bulky, even if it’s MREs or dehydrated. Other things may take precedence, like equipment and medicine for som...
The traditional way to create a long-term supply of food is to store bulk staples such as rice, pasta and dried beans. It is cost-effective and works...
Survival bread used to be a common staple and it still is popular today as survival food. It can also be called other names like hardtack, pilot bread...
When we sit down with the goal to be prepared and self-sufficient, we have to balance a lot. We already walk tightropes between work and home life in...
Modern medical marvels are uncovering new ways of treating illness every day, while at the same time losing the realistic, simple, and inexpensive way...
We all know how important it is to keep abundant food on hand to get us through a crisis. Stockpiling food is usually the first thing any of us do [&h...
The Great Depression was a time of scarcity-induced innovation: families had to do without many household staples and used their resourcefulness to co...
For farmers around the world, growing food and raising meat is becoming even more difficult. We are seeing more crop loss and livestock losses than ev...
Native Americans are known for their knowledge of medicinal plants. It is rumored that after watching animals eat certain plants when they were sick,...