Trash Cans – Survival Uses for Preppers
We buy a lot of things to prepare for the unexpected…or expected, that SHTF will be at our doorstep one day. For some, this is further in time, for...
We buy a lot of things to prepare for the unexpected…or expected, that SHTF will be at our doorstep one day. For some, this is further in time, for...
Fact: there’s no limit to what you can with a beer can. Why? Simply because it’s called a beer CAN, not a beer CAN’T....
For preppers, a home’s location is of utmost importance. Your home is your headquarters, your castle and sanctuary. It’s the one place you hope to...
One excuse that some people use for not beginning to prepare for disasters is the cost. They look at shows like Doomsday Preppers or view the advertis...
In this article, we are going to take a look at five knots that you should know how to tie at all times. Why learning how to tie a knot […]...
Who knows what could happen tomorrow? This is the philosophy that most preppers live by. No matter the situation, when danger suddenly appears, a prep...
Over the years I have heard preppers lumped into the same boat as Hoarders. This is always with a negative connotation but I think that the connection...
The world we live in continues to get scarier and uglier with each passing day. During any disaster, you want to be as secluded as possible from any l...
The summer gets out of hand in a hurry. Before you know it, you are giving bags of produce away and you are sick of eating all that great food you gre...
To start today’s discussion of EMP shielding, we are going to go back to 1755. As you may know, our polymath founding father Benjamin Franklin condu...
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”, were the wise words once uttered by one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, and they a...
I personally shop online for almost anything I can for a couple of reasons. First is the incredible ability to research and check prices. I can read o...