Are you Prepping to Bug Out Financially?
As Preppers we take steps to plan for disasters that could force us out of the comfort and safety of our homes. These threats could range from regiona...
As Preppers we take steps to plan for disasters that could force us out of the comfort and safety of our homes. These threats could range from regiona...
Practical Preparedness – Planning by Prevalence When we jump on preparedness sites, sometimes we’re immediately struck by the enormous load...
The remembering of the events on 9/11/2001 that killed thousands is just barely in our rear-view mirror. This day fortunately passed without any incid...
We know in a grid down situation that medical supplies will become a thing of the past. I worked as a delivery driver for two different major c...
I wrote an article titled Pray for the Best but Prepare for the Worst and in it and I asked a question of the reader. The question was about how [&hel...
I am so sick and tired of a large majority of these stories always talking about all these real nice things people have for Bugging out. Oh loo...