15 Cheap SHTF Items Worth Their Weight in Gold
We’ve all been there – buying all sort of cool, survival gadgets, but at the same time, losing sight of what’s really important during SHTF. Som...
We’ve all been there – buying all sort of cool, survival gadgets, but at the same time, losing sight of what’s really important during SHTF. Som...
This is the fifth in a series for the beginning prepper on how to get started Prepping. In part one of this series we covered defining your priorities...
This is the fourth in a series for the beginning prepper on how to get started Prepping. In part one of this series we covered defining your prioritie...
This is the third in a series for the beginning prepper on how to get started Prepping. In part one of this series we covered defining your Priorities...
This is the second in a series for the beginning prepper on how to get started Prepping. If you want to read part 1, you can view that article here. [...
As preppers we strive to acquire skills, knowledge and yes tools that can assist us should we ever be faced with dire circumstances. The actual disast...
Everyone can remember the media outrage following Hurricane Katrina; New Orleans became a hotbed for violent criminal behavior long after the event. C...
<p>There will always be arguments over style, but it seems that the ideas behind the motivation to prepare are catching on. News reports actually refe...
Throughout history, settlements form near water. The largest and most successful settle with plentiful water. There are a number of reasons for that....
In preparation for National Geographic’s American Blackout ; I wanted to create my own power outage checklist for preppers. The premise of the...
There are numerous concepts used in the Prepping community and the concept of a Get Home Bag is one of the easiest to understand because the rationale...
A Bug Out Bag is something that most of us are familiar with even if most of us do not have one loaded by the door or in the trunk […]...