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Final Prepper’s continuing mission is to explore, find and share tested cures, recipes, remedies and survival techniques, to seek out new ways to a thriving life and the shortest path to self sufficiency. It may take us some time, but it will save us a lot more.

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As you already know, prepping is also about using what's at hand. But a real prepper knows what to store in order to have it all at hand. Take sodium bicarbonate for example. Sodium bicarbonate is

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Take a look at what our pioneer ancestors ate and the chances are you’re not going to envy them very much. Compared to the food on offer in any modern American grocery store, the frontier

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Think of Final Prepper as your brother-in-arms in your hero’s journey to self-sufficiency. Although you shouldn’t be obsessing about it, there is always something new to learn from the ones who are sharing their tested prepper knowledge. Learn more ABOUT US here

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Saving money is most times easier than making it and I have found a way to save LOTS of money. In our home we seem to have mountains of laundry

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In preparing for what may come, big and small, we tend to focus on two things first: food and defense. Some of us do plan out our resupply and restocking

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A T-shirt can be stretched, sewn flat, weaved, hooked, crocheted, dyed, tied in knots, and, best of all, the ends don’t unravel.

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