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Take a look at what our pioneer ancestors ate and the chances are you’re not going to envy them very much. Compared to the food on offer in any modern American grocery store, the frontier

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This article only takes into account the effects of a nuclear EMP and not a solar flare. A solar flare will impact just about grid-connected electronics. 1. Will a microwave work as a Faraday cage? No. If

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Think of Final Prepper as your brother-in-arms in your hero’s journey to self-sufficiency. Although you shouldn’t be obsessing about it, there is always something new to learn from the ones who are sharing their tested prepper knowledge. Learn more ABOUT US here

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The idea of bugging out is popular, and mostly for good reason, among survivors. If you are ever forced by the authorities to leave your home or area or if

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The oceans contain 97% of all the earth’s water, so if you and your family are searching for a healthy supply, don’t worry about moving your homestead to the coast. It

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Even the most committed preppers might consider building a nuclear bunker excessive during peaceful times. Yet history has shown repeatedly that geopolitical circumstances can change with alarming speed. When tensions

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