This is Part 2 of an article on a set of skills our ancestors had that would put to shame most of us. Let's just go through some of them and see how prepared you
There is a strategy among some survivalist and preppers that is included in their preparations. It’s the accumulation of gold and silver for use later after a SHTF event. I’m not trying to start an
Smart preparation means to think in advance and to make strategies for all possible scenarios. Having a good plan for any situation is the wisest thing to do whether we’re getting ready for an outdoor
There are only three items that I grab every single day when I walk out the front door. My keys get me in and out of my house and car, my phone is a do-all
Vodka is one of the highest concentrated alcoholic drinks available. Its relative tastelessness makes it a favorite for combining into mixed drinks, and it’s possible to find relatively inexpensively in almost every grocery store in
You don’t need to dig an underground bunker to start planning for the next big disaster. Investing in upgraded disaster preparedness equipment is a smart move. Add these tech items to your disaster preparedness kit now, and
We as preppers tend to always be prepared for the worst scenarios possible, but what if we are caught in a bad, but not worst case, scenario? As a man who has lived through a
Sanity is important. Really. It’s easy to think that in a disaster we’ll just make do because we won’t have any choice. That’s adding a lot of stress to our bodies and minds in an
The internet has become an indispensable part of everyday life. In a disaster scenario, though, it may be one of the first utilities to go. This loss can compromise both rescue efforts by trained personnel