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Blackout! – Power Outage Checklist

Blackout! – Power Outage Checklist

In preparation for National Geographic’s American Blackout ; I wanted to create my own power outage checklist for preppers. The premise of the show from the website is “the story of a national power failure in the United States caused by a cyber-attack — told in real time, over 10 days, by those who kept filming on cameras and phones.” If nothing else, I hope the situations they present inspire and motivate others to be more prepared if we are ever faced with a situation like this.

Even if we aren’t ever the victim of any cyber-attack that takes down the electrical grid, power outages do happen all of the time. Knowing what you need to have to weather an outage and having a plan for living through the power disruption is important. As with anything else preparedness related, you are better off planning and organizing what you need well in advance of any emergency. The old prepping adage is that it is better to be five years early than one day late.

The list below is broken into different chunks of information and follows a good, better, best type of format. Good items are the absolute minimum you need for a given scenario which so happens in this case to be our power outage. Better will keep you above the minimum requirements giving you additional flexibility and capabilities. Best is our recommendation for what you would ideally have to make it through most conceivable scenarios provided outside influences don’t change your situation. Best isn’t perfect, but it does put you on a posture for success. For most items I have added links to Amazon or other shopping outlets so you can order and price these items for yourself.

We will be using the same assumption that National Geographic is using for American Blackout and that is a 10 day power outage. We will assume that for the duration of this power outage, you are able to shelter in place and aren’t forced to leave your home. Where you live and what time of year this happens will influence some of your choices below but I’ll try to call that out where appropriate. I probably won’t go into some of the situations we as a country could be faced with in the aftermath of something like this, but in terms of basic survival we should have all the bases covered.

There is no more power

A power blackout from a cyber-attack will not be announced. An attack either on systems that deliver power to our homes or from an EMP attack will come without warning. You won’t get news reports for several days in advance like with a hurricane. You won’t have any time to run to the store to buy the items on this checklist before the blackout. You will have to use what you have on hand, or can acquire almost immediately after the blackout has occurred before panic sets in. Once people learn the power isn’t coming back on anytime soon, there will be chaos and you don’t want to be anywhere near that.

What do we need to prepare for living without in a power blackout caused by a cyber-attack?

So, let’s take these one at a time and start at the top and work our way down the list of scenarios and all of the items you should have on hand before a power blackout.



Backup Solar power will last longer than any stored fuel you have.



Backup power and tying into your home’s electrical system require skill. If you don’t know what you are doing, call an electrician to avoid costly and potentially fatal mistakes. Solar Panels may require additional equipment.




  • headlamps are awesome during a power outage. They allow hands free use.

    Headlamps for each individual – infinitely easier and more practical than flashlights. Allows for hands free tasks.

  • Propane lanterns – great outdoor lighting option or use within well-ventilated area. They also put off a decent amount of heat.
  • Battery Recharger – It is important to get one that can charge multiple battery sizes if you have different battery uses.


  • Oil lamps – the right kind can provide plenty of light and last longer than batteries, or should according to use.
  • Lamp Oil
  • Rechargeable Batteries for all headlamps enough to charge a set and use a set at the same time.

As with anything flammable, candles and oil lamps should be used carefully and not while anyone is sleeping.


You quickly find out how much we take for granted during a power outage at two points. The first is when you flick that light switch on by habit and nothing happens. The second is when you want to cook something and are faced with the reality that you might have to eat those leftovers cold.


  • Propane Grill or Camping Stove
  • Spare tank(s) of propane for the stove

    EcoZoom Cook Stove



  • Wood Burning Stove – I know these aren’t practical in all situations, but generally speaking this is the best overall option in a grid down scenario, all things being equal.
  • 100 lb Propane tank or connection to run grill off natural gas.
  • Solar Oven – or you can make one easily enough much cheaper.

For additional information on cooking options when you have a blackout, please read our post entitled “Where There Is No Kitchen: Cooking When The Grid Goes Down


In the context of the power blackout, we discussed that you would not be disposed from your home, so this is really talking about protecting yourself from the extremes of heat or cold. Most of the items below could pull double duty as camping equipment.


  • Appropriate clothing for the temperature. Warm weather calls for clothes that dry quickly and wick moisture away. Cold weather usually means layers and warm additions like hats and gloves.
  • Spare blankets/ screens for windows depending on weather.





  • One gallon of water per person for 10 days. For a four person family, that is 40 gallons. The easiest way to store and transport these for me is 5 gallon water jugs



  • Private well
  • River or stream on your property

News and Communication




  • Ham Radio – capable of HF, UHF and VHF bands. HF will allow you to communicate with other countries
  • Quad Band antenna
  • Back up power as listed above


Security like some of these other topics is more complicated so a list like this is subject to a lot of scrutiny. We do cover this subject in much greater detail in our Self Defense section of our website.




  • Battle Rifle for each adult member of the family (AK or AR platform)
  • 1000 rounds of ammunition for each rifle
  • 20 magazines for each rifle
  • Your own Navy Seal team
  • 1 month’s salary or expenses in cash



  • Bathtub full of water stored in container for hygiene or drinking – Water Bob This requires some action before water pressure is cut off.


  • Spare 5 gallon bucket
  • 5 gallon bucket toilet lid – Converts any 5 gallon bucket into a porta-potty.
  • trash bags – small for toilet/large for trash
  • Cat Liter


  • Outhouse already built – again not practical in all situations.

We covered a lot of ground on Sanitation in our post earlier this year, if you want to read more, there has been a lot of this topic covered already.

As I mentioned above, lists like these are going to be subject to scrutiny. Without devoting a few paragraphs to each topic, this list could spawn a lot of questions. Fortunately, the Prepper Journal has articles on just about every one of these subjects so the information is here. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below.


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