
The 5 Essential Seeds Every Prepper Should Stockpile For Self-Sufficiency

In uncertain times, the ability to grow your own food becomes not just a hobby, but a survival necessity. Whether facing economic instability, supply chain disruptions, or natural disasters, your seed stockpile becomes your food security insurance policy. While commercial preparedness supplies serve valuable functions, developing a strategic seed bank provides a renewable food source independent of outside systems.

Today, I’m sharing the five most critical seeds that deserve a place in every prepper’s pantry. These selections offer high nutritional value, relative ease of growing, and most importantly—the ability to harvest your own seeds for continued planting season after season.

Why Your Seed Selection Matters

The modern food supply faces mounting challenges from climate change impacts, transportation vulnerabilities, and increasing corporate control. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we can expect continued global climate warming over the coming decades, affecting traditional growing patterns.

Creating your own seed bank with heirloom seeds gives you control over your food supply. Unlike genetically modified varieties, heirloom seeds:

  • Come from original cultivar plants
  • Often develop natural disease resistance
  • Produce seeds you can harvest and replant
  • Contain no laboratory-modified genes

WARNING: Many seed companies have been acquired by large agricultural corporations. When building your seed bank, source from companies that explicitly state they are GMO-free. Companies like Seeds Now and others listed in their “About Us” sections often detail their commitment to non-GMO practices.

1. Squash Seeds

Squash varieties provide exceptional nutritional and caloric value for survival situations. These versatile vegetables offer:

  • Rich sources of vitamins A and C
  • Essential minerals including magnesium and potassium
  • High carbohydrate content for sustained energy
  • Versatility in both sweet and savory dishes

Depending on your climate, you might focus on summer squash for cooler regions or varieties like butternut and pumpkin for warmer areas. Though thirsty plants, their nutritional density makes them worth the water investment.

Harvesting Squash Seeds:

  1. Cut open a fully mature squash and remove the seed mass with pulp
  2. Rinse seeds thoroughly in a colander until all pulp is removed
  3. Spread cleaned seeds on absorbent paper, ensuring no seeds touch
  4. Dry in a cool, dry location for approximately one week
  5. Select the largest seeds for best germination potential
  6. Store in paper envelopes in a cool, dark place

2. Green Beans

Green beans rank among the easiest crops to grow while delivering impressive nutritional benefits:

  • High in vitamins A, C, B6, and B12
  • Packed with antioxidants for immune system support
  • Require minimal space with vertical growing patterns
  • Produce abundant harvests with basic care

Even dwarf varieties benefit from simple cane supports, and most varieties are prolific producers throughout the growing season.

Harvesting Bean Seeds:

  1. Stop watering plants around September to encourage pod development
  2. Allow larger pods to remain on plants until leaves begin to die back
  3. Harvest these mature pods specifically for seed collection
  4. Carefully open pods along the seam and extract seeds without damaging them
  5. Dry seeds on paper-lined trays for 1-2 weeks in a cool, dry place
  6. Store in sealed jars away from light and moisture

3. Spinach

This nutrient-dense leafy green provides exceptional nutritional value per square foot of garden space:

  • Exceptional source of vitamins A and C
  • Rich in iron, potassium, and magnesium
  • Versatile for consumption both raw and cooked
  • Thrives in spring and fall growing seasons

For maximum seed production, baby spinach varieties typically perform best.

Harvesting Spinach Seeds:

  1. Allow plants to bolt and flower (note: leaves become bitter at this stage)
  2. Identify female plants (green seed balls) and male plants (yellow seed balls)
  3. Assist pollination by gently shaking male plants to release pollen
  4. Harvest female plants when they begin turning yellow
  5. Hang plants upside down in a dry location for about two weeks
  6. Collect the small seeds by shaking dried plants over paper
  7. Store in sealed containers; spinach seeds typically remain viable for one season

4. Potatoes

A staple crop throughout history, potatoes provide substantial caloric value with minimal growing space:

  • Excellent source of potassium, copper, and vitamin B6
  • High-yield crop from minimal planting stock
  • Can be grown in containers, traditional beds, or specialized towers
  • Varieties available with resistance to common diseases

For long-term preparedness, focus on disease-resistant varieties like Charlotte, Caribbean, Purple Peruvian, and Prince Hairy, which resist common blights and potato beetles.

Working with Potato Seeds:

True Potato Seeds:

  1. Harvest green seed pods when soft and ripe
  2. Crush pods in water and let sit overnight to separate seeds
  3. Collect the small seeds that sink to the bottom
  4. Dry thoroughly on absorbent materials
  5. Note: Growing from true seed requires two seasons to produce edible tubers

Seed Potatoes (Recommended Method):

  1. Save sprouting potatoes from previous harvests
  2. Place in egg cartons with sprout end up
  3. Allow to “chit” (pre-sprout) for about 6 weeks in a light, frost-free area
  4. Plant when sprouts reach approximately 1 inch in length

5. Corn

In suitable climates, corn provides excellent caloric density and versatility:

  • Substantial source of carbohydrates for energy
  • Contains iron and vitamin B6
  • Versatile for multiple food preparations
  • Can be ground for cornmeal and flour

For successful corn cultivation and seed saving, plant in blocks rather than rows to improve wind pollination.

Harvesting Corn Seeds:

  1. Leave mature ears on stalks for 6 weeks after normal harvest time
  2. Allow ears to dry completely on the stalk (protect from rain if possible)
  3. Test kernels for dryness—they should resist denting with a thumbnail
  4. Hand-rub dried kernels from the cob
  5. Continue drying loose kernels for 1-2 additional weeks
  6. Remove any remaining silk or debris
  7. Store in sealed containers in a cool, dry location

IMPORTANT: To prevent issues with inbreeding, maintain a diverse genetic pool by growing at least 100 plants for seed saving purposes.

Building Your Long-Term Seed Bank

Beyond these five essential seed types, continue expanding your collection based on your region’s climate, personal nutritional needs, and growing experience. Consider complementary crops like tomatoes, carrots, and leafy greens to create a well-rounded survival garden.

Store your seed collection in a cool, dry location using:

  • Paper envelopes for breathability
  • Glass jars with desiccant packets
  • Vacuum-sealed bags for longer-term storage
  • Clearly labeled containers with variety and harvest date

Remember, a true seed bank isn’t just about quantity—it’s about quality, diversity, and the knowledge to successfully grow and save seeds season after season.

Other Self-sufficiency and Preparedness solutions recommended for you:

The Lost Ways (The vital self-sufficiency lessons our great grand-fathers left us)
Survival MD (Knowledge to survive any medical crisis situation)
Backyard Liberty (Liberal’s hidden agenda: more than just your guns…)
Alive After the Fall (Build yourself the only unlimited water source you’ll ever need)
The Lost ways II (4 Important Forgotten Skills used by our Ancestors that can help you in any crisis)
The Patriot Privacy Kit (Secure your privacy in just 10 simple steps)

The 5 Essential Seeds Every Prepper Should Stockpile For Self-Sufficiency In uncertain times, the ability to grow your own food becomes not just a hobby, but a survival necessity. Whether facing

In any survival situation, finding food becomes a top priority. While you may have emergency supplies stored away, these stockpiles might not always be accessible during a crisis. When conventional food sources are unavailable, foraging for wild edibles could become your lifeline.

Most forested areas are abundant with edible plants that can sustain you until you reach safety. However, this natural bounty comes with a potentially deadly risk: many toxic plants closely resemble their edible counterparts. The ability to distinguish between safe and poisonous plants isn’t just a useful skill—it could determine whether you survive or perish in the wilderness.

Below are five deadly plants you must avoid when foraging in the wild. Learning to identify these toxic species could save your life when you’re forced to live off the land.

1. Moonseed

Menispermum canadense, commonly known as Moonseed, is a woody vine that grows 8-20 feet long. Young stems appear green to brownish-red with slight hairiness, while older stems become hairless and woody. The smooth leaves measure up to 6 inches long and 8 inches across, often hanging downward.

White or yellowish flower clusters may appear along the non-woody stems, reaching up to 5 inches in length. These flowers bloom from late spring to early summer, lasting approximately two weeks.

Female flowers develop into small berries by late summer or early fall, closely resembling wild grapes—which creates a dangerous situation for foragers.

Native to North America and particularly common in Illinois, this low-lying vine contains the highly toxic alkaloid dauricine throughout all parts of the plant. Ingestion can cause convulsions and death.

Fortunately, the berries have an unpleasant taste that often warns foragers away. However, because Moonseed closely resembles edible Fox Grapes or Wild Grapes, people sometimes harvest and consume it by mistake—with potentially fatal consequences.

When foraging, always examine grape-like fruits carefully. Moonseeds contain a single crescent-shaped seed (hence the name), while true grapes have round seeds. Also note that grapevines have forked tendrils, while Moonseed vines lack tendrils completely.

Signs and symptoms of Moonseed poisoning include:

Difficulty breathing
Irregular heart rate
Stomach pain
Pupil changes
Cardiac arrest
Weakness or paralysis

*If Moonseed is consumed, seek immediate medical attention to remove the toxins and treat related symptoms.

2. Snakeroot

White Snakeroot plants feature coarse-toothed, round-based leaves with pointed tips and can reach up to 3 feet (1m) in height. Clusters of white flowers grow atop the stems throughout summer and fall.

This plant thrives in shaded areas and commonly appears along roadsides, in thickets, or under power lines.

The leaves and stems contain tremetol, a fat-soluble toxin that poisons livestock that consume it. This toxin then passes into the milk of lactating animals, which led to “milk sickness” that killed thousands of settlers in the American frontier, including Abraham Lincoln’s mother.

The plant’s name derives from the mistaken belief that its roots could cure snakebites. While it has been used medicinally for generations, even medicinal use is now discouraged due to its toxicity.

Though rarely fatal to humans through direct consumption, Snakeroot is most dangerous when fresh and green. Even dried specimens retain toxicity. For animals, consuming just 1-10% of their body weight over several weeks can prove fatal.

Signs and symptoms of Milk sickness (tremetol vomiting):

Severe intestinal pain

*Milk sickness can occur even without directly consuming the plant—simply by ingesting animal products from livestock that have eaten Snakeroot.

3. Pokeweed (aka Wild Parsnips/Carrots)

Phytolacca americana, commonly called Pokeweed, is native to eastern North America and the midwest but has spread throughout Canada, the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Considered a nuisance by farmers, pokeweed is toxic to humans, dogs, and livestock. What makes this plant particularly dangerous is that it’s edible in spring with proper preparation, but becomes deadly as the season progresses.

All parts contain toxic compounds—phytolaccatoxin and phytolaccigenin—with the highest concentrations found in roots, stems, and leaves. Even the berries, which look temptingly similar to edible fruits, contain enough toxins to cause serious harm.

Pokeweed can be identified by its large, fleshy white taproot (often 4-6 inches in diameter) and deep reddish-purple stems that can grow 3-7 feet tall. Whitish-green flowers consist of 5 petal-like rounded sepals growing in clusters opposite the leaves.

These flowers develop into 8-10 small, juicy berries that are flat and round. Initially light green, the berries mature to black or purple and typically hang heavily on drooping stems. Each berry contains a small, black lens-shaped seed surrounded by juice that’s an intense blood-red color.

Native Americans historically used pokeweed medicinally, and the berry juice served as a natural red dye.

Signs and symptoms of Pokeweed poisoning include:

Diarrhea (sometimes bloody)
Stomach pain
Nausea and vomiting
Muscle spasms
Heart block
Rapid pulse
Low blood pressure
Slow or difficult breathing

*Other names for Pokeweed poisoning include American nightshade poisoning, Inkberry poisoning, Pigeon Berry poisoning, Pokeberry poisoning, Scoke poisoning, Virginia poke poisoning, and Poke salad poisoning.


Pokeweed poisoning requires immediate medical attention. In a survival situation where emergency care is unavailable, creating activated charcoal by burning wood or dense plant fiber until only carbon remains might help absorb toxins. However, this process takes hours and requires additional chemicals to be effective, making it challenging in emergency situations.

*If you or someone with you has consumed pokeweed, call poison control or proceed to the nearest emergency medical facility immediately.

4. Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade

Atropa belladonna—commonly known as Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade—is a poisonous perennial herbaceous plant in the nightshade family. Found throughout Europe, Northern Africa, Western Asia, and scattered across North America, it’s considered one of the most poisonous plants known to humanity.

The foliage and berries contain extremely toxic tropane alkaloids. All parts of the plant are dangerous, with leaves most poisonous during budding or flowering, and roots most toxic at the end of the vegetation period.

The berries pose the greatest risk because they look appetizing and have a somewhat sweet taste that might not immediately warn of danger.

Despite its name meaning “beautiful lady” in Italian (referring to its historical use by women to dilate pupils for cosmetic purposes), Belladonna is exceptionally hazardous. The plant affects the nervous system and is poisonous to both humans and most animals.

Symptoms may include:

Dry mouth
Red, dry skin
Inability to sweat
Muscle spasms
Blurred vision
Enlarged pupils
Inability to urinate

Belladonna derivatives are used in many over-the-counter medications to treat conditions including common cold, fever, whooping cough, earache, asthma, motion sickness, flu, joint and back pain, inflammation, and nerve issues. However, without proper dosing and medical supervision, these compounds can have serious side effects.

*If consumed, seek medical attention immediately. Activated charcoal is commonly used to remove toxins, along with supportive treatment for individual symptoms.

5. Rhododendron

Found throughout most of the eastern and western United States, rhododendron leaves are easily mistaken for bay leaves. Using these leaves to season an emergency meal could prove disastrous.

Rhododendrons and their close relatives, azaleas, contain grayanotoxins that cause similar types of poisoning. Honey produced from rhododendron flowers is known as “mad honey” because it can cause confusion and other neurological symptoms when consumed.

Poison control centers frequently receive calls in spring and early summer about children who have put the flowers or leaves in their mouths. While ingestion typically causes mild mouth irritation, nausea, and vomiting, severe and life-threatening poisoning can occur.

The honey derived from rhododendron flowers contains the highest concentration of grayanotoxins (also known as andromedotoxin, acetylandromedol, rhodotoxin, and asebotoxin). These neurotoxins are found throughout the Ericaceae or Heather family of plants.

Mad Honey poisoning symptoms appear from minutes to hours after ingestion and include:

Circumoral paralysis (around the mouth)
Low blood pressure
Low heart rate
Loss of coordination
Progressive muscle weakness
Gastrointestinal issues
Loss of balance
Difficulty breathing

*Rhododendron poisoning is rarely fatal to humans, with symptoms typically resolving within 24 hours. Death is much more common among grazing animals that ingest this plant.


Treatment involves techniques to induce vomiting and repeated doses of activated charcoal. Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you suspect rhododendron poisoning.

Dangers Close to Home: Rhubarb Leaves

Dangerous plants aren’t only found in the wilderness—they can be growing in your own backyard. Rhubarb, for example, produces edible stalks but extremely toxic leaves. The high concentration of oxalic acid in rhubarb leaves can cause severe health problems if consumed.

Rhubarb leaf poisoning can cause:

Breathing difficulty
Burning in the throat
Eye pain
Kidney stones
Red-colored urine
Stomach pain


While the wilderness offers many edible plants for survival, it also harbors species that can cause serious harm or death if consumed improperly. Being able to confidently identify both safe and dangerous plants could mean the difference between life and death in a crisis situation.

Take the time to learn proper plant identification before you need these skills. Consider taking a local foraging class, studying field guides specific to your region, or connecting with experienced foragers who can provide hands-on guidance. The knowledge you gain may one day save your life or the lives of those depending on you.

When foraging in the wild, knowing which plants to avoid can be just as important as knowing which ones are safe to eat. Some of the deadliest plants in North

Spring is in the air and with it comes yard work. For some we have already started planting our gardens, others are tending to their chickens and most have to start cutting the grass. I know you may hear the Home Depot song playing in your mind as you think of mulching and planting and sprucing up after winter’s snooze but I have already been cutting my grass and it is due again for another visit with the lawnmower.

As I started to think about getting out there and cutting the grass, I wondered if there would be a use for items like my trusty lawnmower when the grid goes down. Why? Because if you are like me, the last thing you are going to worry about is a nicely trimmed yard. Heck, we all might need to tear up the pretty green carpet to make way for additional garden capacity and if that happens, what could we do with that mower? Even if we didn’t have a grid-down emergency what other purposes could our mower serve?

You will need the following tools/parts:

Lawn Engine motor

The generator project will require a vertical shaft gas engine from a lawn mower. The typical lawn mower engine will be 3 to 5 horse power and will have a 7/8″ shaft, with a 3/16″ key way and a threaded hole in the bottom of the shaft. Most of these engines have either 3 or 4 bolts holding them down to the existing lawn mower base.

Alternator – A GM 10SI or 12SI style automotive alternator.

The alternator will fall into one of three categories:

A) External voltage regulator type.This type of alternator does not have an internal regulator and must have one connected externally to control the alternator field intensity and thus the output voltage and current of the alternator. The disadvantage in using this type of alternator is that connection is a bit more complicated and the regulator is an added component that must be mounted and connected properly. This type of alternator is typically less expensive than the other options shown below, but like the model with an internal regulator, it too requires an external on / off switch or the alternator and regulator pair can discharge batteries when it is not charging and the switch is left on.
B) Single wire connection type with internal regulator.The single wire connection type alternator automatically starts producing output power when the RPM of the input shaft reaches a minimum speed. And, when the RPM drops below a preset speed the output stops. A big advantage is that it does not require a switch to isolate the alternator from the battery source to keep the alternator from draining the battery when not in use. The disadvantage in using this type of alternator is that the alternator will start to charge the batteries as soon as the minimum speed is reached, and will place a load on the engine as soon as the minimum RPM is achieved. In some cases, you might need to throttle through this minimum RPM range to insure that the motor does not bog down at low RPM when the alternator begins to produce power. Another disadvantage is that these alternators are more expensive than other options, but it provides a very simple connection method.
C) Internal regulator type with external control switch.Another option is to use the type we used on our last project. This alternator has an internal voltage regulator but requires an external switch to start or stop power production. The advantage in using this model is that the alternator can be switched off while the motor is still running and power output stops. This aids in connecting and disconnecting batteries or other loads.
One note in the Single wire connection type with internal regulator:

We found that the single wire configuration is not ideal for this application. Because the lawn mower engine mentioned above doesn’t have much throttle adjustment, if a single wire configuration is used with a 2 1/2 inch pulley on the motor the alternator doesn’t kick in without manually moving the throttle butterfly to a higher setting and then releasing. This problem might be eliminated by using a 3″ pulley. However, a single wire configuration can be used on our last project using a horizontal shaft engine. The problem we have right now, is that we don’t have all the answers yet for this configuration. Feel free to experiment, but with the motor we used and the pulley we used, it wasn’t convent in that you had to reach under the carburetor to throttle up manually to start generation.

Electrical Wires – Think wire harness for your car battery


A positive and a negative car battery cable is needed, as well as an alternator connector and associated wires. The alternator wires are not needed if a single wire alternator with built in regulator is used.

A belt – An A Style Industrial Belt to be more precise

The V-Belt transfers power from the pulley (which will be mounted) on the motor to the pulley on the alternator. Various belt lengths can be used if your mounting system provides for several inches of belt length adjustment. Keep in mind that the belt length should be kept to a minimum to reduce belt slap and associated wear.

We have found that the Automotive V-belt used on a standard alternator is not compatible with the industrial “A” size belt that mates with all pulleys you will find for the motor. However, if you use an industrial “A” style V-belt, it will provide an exact fit for the motor and an “OK” fit for the alternator. Replacing the pulley on the alternator to match the pulley on the motor is an option (a more expensive option) but would be the ideal solution.

Cast Iron Pulley

The motor pulley needs to be high quality cast iron. The mass of a cast iron pulley tends to act as a flywheel, taking the place of the mass of the lawn mower blade. Remember that most lawn mower engines have a very light aluminum fly wheel and use the steel blade as part of the effective fly wheel mass. The added weight of the cast iron pulley (compared to the mass of an aluminum pulley) helps the engine idle smoothly and helps keep belt slap to a minimum.

Mounting Bracket

The mounting bracket is the most complicated part of the project. The great thing about the bracket is that it’s Universal in design and allows use of a wide variety of engine manufacturers and engine models.

It not only eliminates hours of time figuring out the bolt pattern of your motor, but also eliminates the trial and error guess work in finding a belt length that will work once the motor and alternator are mounted. Additionally, the bracket can be bolted down to a simple base of your own design and the rest of the work is done!

Detailed instructions on how to work on this project:

The first step is to remove the motor from the lawn mower base. Typically, there are 3 or 4 bolts holding the motor to the base, but before you remove them, you will need to remove the mower blade and the shaft coupler that holds the blade on the motor shaft. Getting the blade and the coupling off is a bit of a pain. Removing the blade is not nearly as difficult, but still requires a bit of ingenuity to figure out a way to “jam” the blade so it won’t rotate while you remove the bolt which holds it in place on the motor shaft.

We found that we had to use a “pulley puller”, to remove the shaft coupler after the mower blade was removed. A “pulley puller” which can be rented or purchased at most auto parts stores. Removing the coupler is difficult to impossible without use of this tool.

The next hassle will be in finding the required pulley. Our research indicated that nearly all the motors used in vertical shaft lawn mowers have a 7/8″ shaft, and a 3/16″ or 1/4″ key way. However, horizontal shaft motors under about 7 HP use a 3/4″ shaft. The 3/4″ pulleys can be found at most hardware stores, but the 7/8″ pulleys are impossible to find. What we had to do was to set up an account with a company that supplies Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, Motors, Blowers and Components to be able to order the correct pulleys.

Another catch is that a 3/16″ key way is not standard on cast iron pulleys. What we found was that a 1/4″ key way is the norm because most high horse power AC motors use a 1/4″ size key way. A pulley with a 3/16″ key way is not typically available in a 7/8″ shaft diameter configuration. It is possible to use a pulley with a 1/4″ key way on a motor that has a 3/16″ key way provided that the set screw is on top of the key on the motor shaft and NOT on the shaft itself. If close attention is paid to this detail the pulley will stay in place without vibrating or loosening.

The biggest problem is figuring out how to bolt everything together. Because each type of mower had different a base, we ended up concentrating on coming up with a universal base that just about any motor could fit on. Our base had to allow rotating the motor by about 30 degrees, and allow positioning the motor in any of the 90 degree quadrants. That allowed the motor to be in any position with clearance for the alternator and a method for hooking up the belt. We also wanted to allow the alternator position to be adjusted allowing for several belt sizes to be used. The bracket also has an integral belt adjustment slot which allows the alternator position to be adjusted, which also serves to tension the belt.

The lawn mower engine

The lawn mower we used had a 3.5 Horse power Briggs and Stratton 4 stroke gas engine. That particular model motor has a safety shut off lever on the lawn mower handle which has a cable attached to the motor, and the attached cable must be activated to disengage the motor shut off break and to allow spark to reach the spark plug. What we decided to do was to cut the cable off and deactivate the motor shut off feature. If your motor has this feature, you will need to spend some time looking at the cable and the levers on the motor to figure out a way to deactivate or preserve the feature. In either case the motor will not start unless something is done about the cable and levers.

We found that there was a small hole in one of the lever plates on the side of the engine, and after pulling the cable, a small nail can be inserted into the lever to keep the mechanism from retracting and shutting off the motor. Like I said, it will take a bit of time to figure out how your motor shut off mechanism works (if there is one installed on your motor).

Most of the lawn mower engines you will find have a 7/8″ shaft and a 3/16″ key way cut into the shaft. They also have a threaded hole in the bottom of the shaft.

Pulley Size and Type

The vertical shaft motor from this lawn mower would not throttle as high as the same horse power motor we used in the horizontal shaft generator project. That motor was from a lawn edger, and could be set to a higher maximum speed. After talking with some lawn mower experts, we were told that the throttle mechanism on the lawn mower has the maximum throttle set to be about 75% of the maximum butter fly valve position of the carburetor. We were told that the lawn mower manufacturers set the throttle mechanism that way so there is extra throttle capability for when the mower hits some heavy or wet grass. The motor could then self throttle to a higher setting if necessary, then throttle back to the pre set throttle setting.

The reason we mention all this is that the pulley size we used on the horizontal shaft motor project would not work on this project. In testing this motor with the throttle set as high as possible without modifying the carburetor, and using a 4 3/4″ pulley on the motor (similar size to the one on our other project), the motor would bog down and die with a 39 Amp load on the alternator. Without modifying the carburetor, we couldn’t keep the thing running when the load was switched in with the large size pulley.

We had excellent results with a 2 1/2″ pulley. It allowed the alternator to output voltage at even half or lower throttle settings at a slightly lower output current. So, with less than full demand, the motor speed could be reduced without killing the motor, and providing fuel savings.

Mounting the Motor and Alternator

Mounting all this stuff is the tricky part of this project. But to make things easy, we designed and manufactured a bracket to make the task simple.

The bracket is made from 1/8″ steel and has provisions for mounting the motor and alternator, and additional holes for mounting the plate to a base of your own design.

What we did for the base was cut two 2×4’s the length of the bracket, and another 2×4 as a cross brace to be installed under the bracket at the bottom of the long 2×4’s. Imagine the base as being an H. The two long pieces were installed so that the base was 4 inches in height, and the cross brace was installed on the two length wise 2×4’s at the bottom, and on it’s side so that it stood 2″ in height. That provided the necessary clearance for the belt and provided stabilization of the two side pieces. A further improvement would be to install two more short 2×4 at each end of the assembly to completely box in the rotating pulleys (for added safety).

We elected to mount the alternator in such a manor that it actually runs backwards. This simplifies the hook up and it still works. The fan still functions, but instead of pulling air through the back and exhausting through the front, the air flow direction is reversed. Also, the fan blades are not as efficient when running backwards so air flow is reduced slightly. But, remember that like in the other project, the alternator is mounted to a steel plate which also serves as a large heat sink. And from the two hour test run at 39 Amp output, the alternator case temperature was only 148 degrees (ambient temperature was 80 degrees). So, I guess what I’m saying is that it really doesn’t matter. These alternators normally spend most of their lives under the hood of cars stuck in traffic jams on hot days, and see temperatures much higher than this.

Now, getting back to the mounting issues: The lawn mower engine has a longer shaft than the alternator, and if the pulley is installed in the ideal location on the motor shaft the two pulleys do not align. So, what we found was that the alternator needs to be mounted flush on top of the bracket but the motor needs to be spaced 1″ above the mounting plate. This is easily carried out by using 1″ longer bolts, and 1″ long spacer tubes. Then the alignment of the pulleys is correct.

Wiring it up

The wiring depends on which alternator you choose. All three alternator types are shown.

Do not wire the alternator unless you are sure about what type you are using. If you make a mistake in the selection of the alternator or wiring diagram you run a very high risk of damaging your battery, electronic devices, or worse yet causing personal injury! Consult a parts professional for additional information!

This tip is intended for educational purposes only. No guarantees are expressed or implied as to the accuracy of information presented here! Consult with an automotive wiring expert before attempting to carry out any wiring.

If you are using an alternator that requires an external switch, you will need to turn off the switch prior to attempting to start the generator. If the switch is on, the generator will try to output voltage while you are pulling the starting cord on the motor. You will find that it will be nearly impossible to pull the cord! If the switch is off, then there is little to no resistance from the alternator. Once the motor is running, the switch can be set to the on position.

Other self-sufficiency and preparedness solutions recommended for you:
The vital self-sufficiency lessons our great grand-fathers left us
Knowledge to survive any medical crisis situation
Liberal’s hidden agenda: more than just your guns
Build yourself the only unlimited water source you’ll ever need
4 Important Forgotten Skills used by our Ancestors that can help you in any crisis
Secure your privacy in just 10 simple steps

Spring is in the air and with it comes yard work. For some we have already started planting our gardens, others are tending to their chickens and most have to start cutting

The Overlooked Necessity

We take it for granted—turn on the faucet, and water flows freely. But what happens when those faucets stop working? Whether due to power outages, contaminated supply lines, or natural disasters, a water emergency can strike with little warning. Being prepared isn’t just smart—it’s essential.

I’m passionate about water preparedness because I’ve seen firsthand how quickly communities can face critical shortages. Just recently, while getting my hair cut, I noticed Hurricane Michael’s devastation playing on the salon television. I asked my stylist—a newlywed living paycheck to paycheck—if she had any water stored at home. Her answer? “No, not yet.”

While we may live far from hurricane zones, no community is immune to water emergencies. In 2013, our area experienced a 500-year flood. These extreme events are becoming more common, and they all share one critical threat: compromised water systems.

How Much Water Do You Really Need?

I recommend storing 4 gallons of water per person per day. Some consider this excessive, but this accounts for drinking, cooking, and basic hygiene needs. You may also need to assist neighbors who haven’t prepared.

Many people assume their water heater’s 50 gallons provide adequate backup. However, if your municipal water becomes contaminated—whether from infrastructure failure or other causes—that reserve becomes unusable. Remember Flint, Michigan, where poor decisions by local authorities resulted in widespread lead poisoning through the water supply.

Water Calculation Formula

To determine your household’s minimum water requirements:

  • Number of people × 4 gallons × Number of days = Total gallons needed
  • For a family of four preparing for a two-week emergency: 4 people × 4 gallons × 14 days = 224 gallons

This calculation provides a realistic baseline for adequate preparedness. While FEMA suggests a minimum of 1 gallon per person per day, experience with actual emergencies demonstrates this is rarely sufficient for maintaining hygiene and cooking needs during extended disruptions.

Water Storage Options

Bottled Water

Calculate your household’s needs for one week, two weeks, or a month. Cases of bottled water (12-ounce, 16-ounce, or 20-ounce) provide convenient storage. While not the most cost-effective solution, they require no preparation and are ready for immediate use.

Example: A family of four requiring 4 gallons per person per day would need 112 gallons for a one-week emergency. This translates to approximately 851 16-ounce bottles or 71 cases of 24-count water bottles.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Take advantage of case sales at grocery stores during off-seasons (typically winter)
  • Look for store brands that offer similar quality at 30-50% lower costs
  • Collect recyclable bottles one at a time during regular shopping trips
  • Consider joining wholesale clubs for bulk pricing on larger quantities


These 3.5-gallon containers weigh approximately 26-27 pounds when filled. With just ½ teaspoon of Water Preserver, the contents remain safe for five years before rotation is necessary.

Example: Six WaterBricks provide a three-day emergency supply for two people at the recommended 4 gallons per person per day. Their stackable design means they require only 4 square feet of floor space when arranged in a 2×3 configuration.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Monitor emergency preparedness websites for seasonal discounts and clearance events
  • Look for group purchase opportunities through preparedness forums and community groups
  • Check for open-box or display models at reduced prices
  • Consider similar food-grade stackable containers from restaurant supply stores

Repurposed Containers

Thoroughly cleaned milk jugs can serve as temporary storage. While they may eventually leak, they’re better than nothing and can be used for personal hygiene if needed.

Example: A standard plastic milk jug holds approximately 1 gallon. A thorough cleaning process includes rinsing with hot water, washing with dish soap, sanitizing with 1 tablespoon of unscented household bleach per gallon of water (let stand for 30 minutes), and thoroughly rinsing again before filling.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Systematically save your own containers from consumed products
  • Request clean, empty containers from family members who regularly use these products
  • Connect with local recycling programs that may allow collection of clean containers
  • Partner with neighbors to gather and prepare containers as a community project

55-Gallon Barrels

Blue water barrels complete with pumps are available at retailers like Walmart for under $50 in some areas. Remember to leave room for expansion if your climate experiences freezing temperatures, and don’t forget to purchase the necessary bung and siphon pump.

Example: One 55-gallon barrel provides approximately 13.75 days of water for one person at 4 gallons per day. For a family of four, this same barrel provides about 3.4 days of water. The barrel should be placed on a sturdy platform at least 3-4 inches off the ground to enable proper siphoning.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Purchase during emergency preparedness month (September) when sales are common
  • Look for community emergency management programs that subsidize barrels for residents
  • Check online marketplaces for lightly used food-grade barrels
  • Connect with local food manufacturers who may offer empty food-grade barrels at reduced cost

Two-Liter Soda Bottles

These durable plastic bottles are excellent for water storage and typically last longer than milk jugs without developing leaks.

Example: A standard 2-liter bottle holds approximately half a gallon. Twenty 2-liter bottles provide 10 gallons of water storage, enough for 2.5 days for one person. These bottles can be stored upright in plastic crates for organization and stability.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Save bottles from your own beverage consumption
  • Establish a neighborhood collection program where neighbors save bottles for each other
  • Implement a gradual collection strategy, adding 2-3 bottles per week to your storage
  • Create a rotation system where oldest bottles are used for plants while new ones join storage

Bathtub Emergency Water Storage

For last-minute water collection before an anticipated emergency, bathtub storage offers significant capacity.

Example: An average bathtub holds 40-60 gallons of water. Special liners like the WaterBOB can be placed in bathtubs before filling to ensure cleanliness. This method provides a 10-15 day supply for one person or 2.5-3.75 days for a family of four.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Keep clean shower curtain liners as emergency bathtub barriers
  • Maintain clean plastic sheeting available for multiple emergency uses
  • Make DIY bathtub liners using food-grade plastic sheets
  • Use clean plastic tablecloths as temporary emergency liners

Water Purification Solutions

Berkey Sports Water Bottles

These portable purification systems are ideal for travel or emergency situations. Each bottle can be refilled up to 640 times with municipal water, making them valuable assets for your emergency kit.

Example: A family of four with one Berkey Sports Bottle per person can purify enough water for 2,560 days of drinking water (assuming 1 bottle capacity per day per person for drinking only). The compact size means they can be stored in vehicle glove compartments, emergency kits, or backpacks.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Watch for seasonal sales events that often occur during preparedness months
  • Consider purchasing as a group with friends or family for potential bulk discounts
  • Look for refurbished units that offer the same performance with significant savings
  • Start with one bottle for the household and add more gradually as budget allows


Compact and effective, a single LifeStraw can purify up to 1,000 gallons of water—a substantial resource during extended emergencies.

Example: One LifeStraw provides approximately 3,785 days (over 10 years) of drinking water for one person, based on the recommended daily intake of 64 ounces. These ultralight devices weigh only 2 ounces and can filter particles down to 0.2 microns, removing 99.9999% of bacteria and 99.9% of protozoa.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Monitor outdoor retailers for end-of-season clearance events
  • Watch for “buy one, give one” promotional events that offer discounts
  • Consider slightly older models that may be available at reduced prices
  • Look for bundle packs that reduce the per-unit cost substantially

Big Berkey Water Purifier

I’ve tested mine extensively, including the red food coloring test, which it passes perfectly (no colored water emerges from the spout). Ensure all filters are correctly installed for optimal performance. These systems can be lifesaving if your water supply becomes compromised.

Example: A standard Big Berkey with two Black Berkey purification elements can process up to 6,000 gallons before filter replacement is needed. For a family of four using 1 gallon per person per day for drinking and cooking, these filters would last approximately 4.1 years. The system can purify up to 7 gallons per hour, adequate for meeting immediate family needs.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Purchase during annual Black Friday or preparedness month sales
  • Consider slightly smaller models with the same filtration technology
  • Look for floor models or demonstration units at preparedness expos
  • Explore payment plans offered by some emergency preparedness retailers

High-Capacity Tanks

For those with adequate resources and space, large-capacity tanks provide substantial security. I invested in a 250-gallon tank for approximately $350. Though expensive, the peace of mind knowing my household has sufficient water for an extended emergency is invaluable.

Example: A 250-gallon tank provides approximately 62.5 days of water for one person at 4 gallons per day, or 15.6 days for a family of four. These tanks typically measure about 48″ x 48″ x 31″ and should be installed on a flat, reinforced concrete pad. They should include a proper venting system, overflow capability, and ideally a gravity-fed spigot that functions without electricity.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Consider smaller intermediate capacity tanks (50-100 gallons) as budgetary stepping stones
  • Watch for agricultural supply sales that often feature water storage equipment
  • Look into rain collection systems that serve dual purposes for conservation and emergency backup
  • Explore community preparedness grants that may subsidize larger water storage solutions

DIY Water Filtration Systems

Creating your own filtration system can be an economical alternative to commercial purifiers.

Example: A three-stage filtering system using a 5-gallon bucket can be constructed with gravel, sand, and activated charcoal layers. While not as effective as commercial options for removing pathogens, these systems can remove sediment and some contaminants. When combined with water purification tablets or boiling, they provide adequate emergency filtration.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Use common household materials like coffee filters as pre-filters
  • Construct using recycled food-grade containers from your kitchen
  • Source materials gradually to distribute the cost over time
  • Share construction costs with neighbors to create multiple systems simultaneously

Chemical Purification Methods

Chemical treatments provide a lightweight, portable purification option that requires minimal equipment.

Example: Standard household unscented bleach with 6% sodium hypochlorite can purify water at a ratio of 8 drops (approximately 1/8 teaspoon) per gallon of clear water. After adding bleach, the water should stand for at least 30 minutes before use. A single 32-ounce bottle of bleach can treat approximately 3,072 gallons of water—enough for 768 days for one person drinking 4 gallons per day.

Budget-Friendly Alternatives:

  • Store regular household bleach properly and rotate supply every 6 months
  • Keep chlorine tablets (such as pool shock) as a concentrated alternative
  • Use household iodine from first aid kits for short-term purification
  • Keep commercially available water purification tablets in vehicle and home emergency kits

Implementation Strategy

Starting Small: The 30-Day Water Security Plan

If you’re on a limited budget or have space constraints, begin with this targeted approach:

Week 1: Collect and clean 2-liter bottles or purchase one case of bottled water. Begin with the goal of storing just 3 days of water for each household member.

Week 2: Add basic purification options like household bleach or purification tablets. These are inexpensive but provide critical capability to make questionable water safe.

Week 3: Expand storage with a few WaterBricks or similar containers. Focus on containers that allow for long-term storage without leaking or contamination issues.

Week 4: Incorporate a simple filtration method like a Berkey Sports Bottle or LifeStraw. These portable options provide flexibility during evacuation scenarios.

Scaling Up: The Six-Month Water Independence Plan

As resources permit, progressively enhance your water security:

Month 2-3: Invest in a 55-gallon drum system with necessary accessories. This significant capacity increase represents a major milestone in preparedness.

Month 4-6: Add a quality countertop filter system for daily use and emergencies. Using this system regularly ensures you’re familiar with operation when an emergency occurs.

Month 7-12: Consider high-capacity storage options if space allows. These larger systems provide community-level resilience during extended emergencies.

Testing Your System: The Quarterly Water Readiness Drill

Conduct quarterly drills with your household to verify system effectiveness:

  1. Turn off the main water supply for 4 hours
  2. Rely exclusively on your stored water for all needs
  3. Document water usage rates for each activity (cooking, hygiene, drinking)
  4. Evaluate what worked well and what needs improvement
  5. Adjust your storage and purification strategy accordingly

Emergency Water FAQ

How long can I store water before it goes bad?

Commercially bottled water has a recommended shelf life of 1-2 years, though it remains safe indefinitely if properly stored. Water stored in proper containers with preservatives can last 5 years. Water in cleaned soda bottles should be rotated every 6 months.

What’s the best container for long-term water storage?

Food-grade plastic containers designed specifically for water storage provide the best combination of durability, safety, and longevity. Look for containers made from HDPE plastic (recycle symbol #2) that are opaque or blue to prevent algae growth.

How should I treat suspicious water during an emergency?

Follow this treatment hierarchy:

  1. Filter to remove particulates and larger organisms
  2. Boil vigorously for at least 1 minute (3 minutes at elevations above 6,500 feet)
  3. Add chemical treatment (bleach, iodine, or purification tablets)
  4. Let stand for the recommended treatment time before consuming

Should I store water in my garage?

Avoid areas with temperature extremes. Garages in moderate climates may be acceptable, but temperature fluctuations can degrade plastic containers over time and potentially leach chemicals. Basements or climate-controlled areas are preferable for long-term storage.

Final Thoughts on Water Preparedness

Water security represents the foundation of all emergency preparedness efforts. Without adequate clean water, all other preparations become significantly less effective. The strategies outlined in this guide provide a comprehensive approach to ensuring your household maintains access to this critical resource regardless of external circumstances.

Remember: Water preparedness isn’t about fear—it’s about responsible self-reliance. Start small if necessary, but start today. When others are scrambling during an emergency, you’ll have the security of knowing your basic needs are covered. Your future self will thank you.

Have questions about water preparedness or want to share your own experiences? Comment below or join our preparedness community forum to continue the conversation.


Essential Preparedness Resources You Can’t Afford to Miss:
The Lost Survival Medicine Cabinet: Discover the forgotten remedies our grandparents used to treat everything from infections to injuries without pharmaceuticals. These techniques could save your family when medical help isn’t available.
The Self-Sufficient Homestead Blueprint: Our exclusive guide reveals how to transform any property—even a small suburban lot—into a sustainable food production system that operates completely off-grid.

The Government Crisis Response Plan They Don’t Want You to See: Our investigative report exposes the actual government emergency protocols and why individual preparedness has become more critical than ever.
Unlimited Clean Water Forever: The innovative system that transforms even contaminated water sources into unlimited pure drinking water—no electricity required and virtually maintenance-free.

The Forgotten Skills Masterclass: Learn the critical self-reliance abilities that kept our ancestors alive through wars, depressions, and disasters—skills that 99% of Americans have lost but could make the difference between survival and catastrophe.
The Digital Privacy Fortress: Ten powerful steps to protect your personal information from surveillance, tracking, and data breaches during times of social instability.

The Overlooked Necessity We take it for granted—turn on the faucet, and water flows freely. But what happens when those faucets stop working? Whether due to power outages, contaminated supply lines,

As you already know, prepping is also about using what’s at hand. But a real prepper knows what to store in order to have it all at hand. Take sodium bicarbonate for example.

Sodium bicarbonate is very useful in treating stomach acid problems such as gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Gastritis means inflammation of your stomach lining.

Think about it, the stomach is a gastric pit with a pH that can fall as low as 2. This gastric acid pit can dissolve meats, yet it does not dissolve itself…why? The reason is the lining of the stomach secretes a mucous film filled with sodium bicarbonate that helps protect its cells from the acid produced by other cells in the stomach.

Sodium bicarbonate is a very strong base or alkaline solution…the opposite of an acid. It effectively neutralizes the stomach acid before it reaches the wall of the stomach. When this does not happen, the acid eats away irritates the stomach lining, and leads to gastritis.

When this is long-lasting and severe it will erode a hole in the lining, which is an ulcer.

In a postapocalyptic scenario, there will be many opportunities for treating various conditions with a simple, inexpensive substance such as sodium bicarbonate. It can effectively replace all the medications you will presumably not have available to you, such as the H2 blockers and the Proton Pump Inhibitors that many people currently take such as Pepcid, Zantac, Prilosec, Protonix, Prevacid, etc.

This is a safe and effective way to raise the pH of your stomach and your entire body.

Remember, pH is the way an acid/base balance is measured in your body. A pH of 7 is neutral (water), anything lower than 7 is acidic, and anything higher is alkaline or basic. Since the stomach pH is very low because of the acid it is secreting…and if there is a problem such as gastritis or even ulcers…then we need to raise that pH to allow healing.

Note: Do not take sodium bicarbonate if the powder is not fully dissolved, and never take it when your stomach is full of food and you are bloated. It has the potential to release gases and rupture your intestines.

But let’s not forget what we’re here for. Here’s 9 Beneficial Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate:

1. Increasing pH (making you more alkaline) will help the body’s immune system kill off bacteria.

2. PH controls the speed of our body’s biochemical reactions. pH is responsible for rate control in enzyme reactions in our body as well as the speed of electrical conduction of nerve impulses. Even our mitochondria (the cell powerhouses) suffer under acidic conditions. Enzymes work ideally in a narrow pH range; this is because changes in pH change the way chemical bonds function.

3. Sodium bicarbonate is effective in treating poisonings, chemical exposures, and even overdoses of pharmaceuticals, by canceling out the cardiotoxic (heart-damaging) and neurotoxin-damaging nerves) effect. Most of the body’s waste and toxins are acids, thus your body needs to combine them with alkaline buffers like sodium bicarbonate to neutralize them and excrete them. An increasing acid load lowers the pH and leads to many of the degenerative diseases that Americans currently suffer from such as reflux, kidney stones, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, gout, and heart disease, to name a few.

Sodium bicarbonate is capable of absorbing heavy metals and toxins such as dioxins and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). Most patients have dioxins in their body’s tissues. These accumulate over a lifetime and persist in people even without continued exposure. Dioxins are known carcinogens or cancer-causing agents, and greater exposure translates to a greater risk of developing cancer and other health problems. Sick patients often have elevated levels of these and other toxins in their tissues since we are constantly exposed to toxins that have entered our waters and our food chain.

4. Sodium bicarbonate is also effective in radiation damage. It will help prevent radiation damage to the kidneys. Currently, the United States Army is using it for this to protect its troops.

5. Sodium bicarbonate also helps treat radiation-exposed soils to neutralize the damage, where it can be mixed with the top two or three inches of soil where it has been found to bind up radioactive particles for removal and remediation of the soil. At Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, researcher Don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with radioactive uranium. He has shown that sodium bicarbonate binds with this uranium, enabling him to separate it from the soil. Using this method he was able to remove approximately 92 percent of the uranium from contaminated soils.

For us Preppers this is huge; with a generous enough supply of sodium bicarbonate stockpiled, you will be able to make your survival garden once again capable of producing life-sustaining food.

6. Hay fever and chemical and food allergies are also improved with alkalinization of your body with sodium bicarbonate.

7. Headaches and pain relief: Sodium bicarbonate has potent analgesic (pain relieving) properties. Take one teaspoon dissolved in a glass of water. It works very well for migraine headache relief. Migraines are frequently caused by neck pain, sinus and allergy problems, and magnesium deficiency. When taking any medication for a migraine (I highly recommend Excedrin: which is Tylenol, aspirin, and caffeine. (As long as you are not allergic to any of the ingredients or are on a blood thinner of some type, which would be highly unlikely in a post-apocalypse scenario). Take it immediately, as soon as you feel the headache starting.

Most migraineurs learn this eventually; migraines, once they start, cannot be ignored, they always worsen until you are down and vomiting and clutching your throbbing head. Ice packs or anything cold you can apply to your forehead and top of your neck where it meets the base of your skull will help. A dark, quiet area will also help.

8. Earwax: A mixture of sodium bicarbonate and warm water when flushed into the ear gently with a turkey baster or something similar will dissolve and dislodge the wax blocking your ear. Do this several times until it opens up. Some people use some warm mineral oil to get the same result.

9. Constipation and colitis symptoms have been known to improve with the use of sodium bicarbonate enemas. Mix half a cup of sodium bicarbonate in a quart of warm water put it in an enema bag and instill it into your colon. is will act as a natural cleanser and help any bowel irritations as well. I also highly recommend Epsom salt orally for constipation.

As you already know, prepping is also about using what's at hand. But a real prepper knows what to store in order to have it all at hand. Take sodium

And I’m holding my car set for survival. This is something that I have been doing for years. My car’s trunk is a fully stocked emergency closet, with a wide array of items that remain there all the time, so I’m ready for anything that might come.

When you think about it, odds are relatively good that you won’t be at home when an SHTF situation happens. You’re going to be at work, at school, or in any of a hundred other things that consume our time. Yet you can be just about sure your car won’t be far from wherever you are. It makes your vehicle a perfect place to store an assortment of emergency supplies, just for those moments you need it.

And what sorts of things are you supposed to carry in your car trunk? Well, that list can get a bit wide:

Get Home Bag

15+ Survival Items To Keep In Your Car At All Times For SHTF

A get-home bag is the starting point. It is a package for survival, with enough gear in it to make sure you can make it safely, no matter what.

It could involve doing so on foot when there is anything happening where the roads are blocked or the bridges down.

Speaking of bridges, if you’re working on the other side of the river from where you live, if the bridge is down, it may be hard to get home. Holding an inner tube in your car’s trunk might sound a little crazy, but if you have to cross the river and the bridge is down it will be handy.

I mix my Get Home Bag and my EDC pack, and my pack has plenty of other useful things in it, such as personal care products, paper clips and extra flashlight batteries. I’m trying to make it enough complete to take care of anything and everything that I may need, not only for SHTF, but the regular challenges that I face in my life.

One of My Most Used Items

Rain happens, just in case you didn’t notice it. How many times were you away from home when they began to pour? We always say we have to carry an umbrella with us, but that doesn’t mean we have to. Whether we have one umbrella, or we only have one, and it is never where we need it.

In both our cars, in the building, and in both the office of my wife and mine, I have umbrellas. That way, we always have one open, regardless of where we are. I keep a decent rain poncho in my car’s trunk. This is one of the things that are most used there.

Good Walking Shoes

When you’re dressing up in professional clothes at work, then you want to make sure you have some decent walking shoes in the car’s trunk. If you have to walk home from work, an old pair of tennis shoes or even loafers that you don’t even use anymore would make things much easier.


Even in the summer, you will still have a jacket, hat, and gloves at your side. I change these with the seasons and make sure I still have something to use seasonally. I wear a hat in the summertime which provides good shade, while in the winter I have one which is better insulated.

I’m thinking of two different things when I say gloves in here. Clearly, if you live somewhere where it gets very cold you want to have some warm gloves or even mittens. So the other thing is to have some good work gloves, to cover your hands if you’re going to have to do anything like dig out your vehicle, whether it’s stuck, or move a branch of the tree that lays across the lane.


15+ Survival Items To Keep In Your Car At All Times For SHTF

I carry a pistol every day, but I don’t leave it in my car unless you count the knife that’s next to the seat.

Yet I carry an extra box of ammunition in the car, just in the event that I find myself in a firefight situation. Chances of that are slim, but with all the turmoil going on in the world, I’m not willing to take this chance.

I would recommend carrying a gun in your vehicle if you do not carry concealed and the laws in the state you live in allow it. So if you do, get it a lockbox and bolt it down into the trunk. So someone who tries to steal your weapon has to break into the trunk and then into the lockbox.


I always keep some food in my car, mainly high-energy foods and stuff like granola bars and jerky that will keep me going for a while. Although living for many days is possible without food, it is not pleasurable. Keeping some food in the car only makes it simpler if I’m trapped in it somewhere.

Extra Water

I guess it comes from owning old cars, but I’ve still got a few gallons of water in the trunk. It’s perfect for those occasions when the engine overheats, and when you overheat.

If you have some soap in your get-home bag, after changing a tire or dealing with some other problem, you can wash your hands with water.

Trauma First-aid Kit

15+ Survival Items To Keep In Your Car At All Times For SHTF

You never know whether you could get hurt or run over someone else who is. I’ve kept a first aid emergency kit in my car for as long as I’ve been driving.

There were also occasions when I was the first on an accident scene, even when the incident was nothing more than a kid falling off their bicycle.

I would at least start taking care of them by getting a decent first aid kit in my trunk before the ambulance gets there.

When you are going to be carrying the trauma kit, of course, you need to know what to do with it. So take the time to watch some good videos of first aid on YouTube, or take the Red Cross, first-aid class.

A Great Tool to Have

This is a great tool and not too bad a weapon. I’ve got a machete attached to my BOB and I have one in my car’s trunk too. Mine has a blade on the back edge of a saw. Overall, a machete is more effective than a hatchet or has been used as a general survival weapon and will freak out anybody who tries to give you a difficult time.

Pry Bar

15+ Survival Items To Keep In Your Car At All Times For SHTF

If the S really does hit the fan, you might find that you need to do some scavenging. Although this can be a little messy on the ethical and legal issues, life comes first.

Getting a pry bar could allow you to get into somewhere that will provide you with vital supplies for survival, or even get into somewhere so you can get a rainy night’s sleep.

I’m tempted to swap my pry bar with an infringement tool that could act as a walking stick, but I’m concerned about it. Besides that, I’m not sure if it’d be a little bit overkill. I don’t want to end up bringing so much gear that it’s slowing me down.

A Godsend Tool

If your car gets stuck, a lightweight, collapsible shovel might be a godsend. I’ve had opportunities to dig a car out of the snow, the sand, and the mud. Though it’s never enjoyable, it’s easier to leave the car there. The one I’ve got is a little big and heavy to bring in my BOB which is how it ended up in the car’s trunk.

Basic Mechanic’s Tools

I still have a set of tools in my car, so I can make repairs in case of an emergency. You need essentially box-end wrenches, a socket kit, screwdrivers, and a pair of pliers. For just that, you can do a lot of repairs.

Of course, you need to learn more than the tools, what to do with them. But even if you don’t, take them along. You never know who has the expertise that could come along but doesn’t have the resources.

Vehicle Liquids

Holding a few extra quarters of grease, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and power steering fluid into the trunk is also a smart idea. While you can test those frequently, from time to time we all forget. Our cars have an awful propensity to confuse us when we do. Carrying along those few bottles will spoil our cars’ surprise.


15+ Survival Items To Keep In Your Car At All Times For SHTF

A good flashlight is a nice thing to have in your vehicle, but a good headlamp is an even better thing to have. You get light that way, thus keeping both hands free.

I would recommend that you go for one that gives you a wide angle of light and not just a spotlight. I would also suggest you buy the best one you can find. You would like the extra light when you’re trying to repair something in the dark of night.

But those lights that are very bright appear to go through the batteries, so make sure you have extra batteries on hand. As neither lithium nor alkaline batteries handle heat well, test your batteries regularly. They can go wrong and you won’t even know.


While I was traveling a lot in Mexico I began to carry rolls of toilet paper and paper towels in the trunk of my car. You can’t always be sure to find TP in the bathroom, except though you do find a toilet to use. To have your own is clearly prudence. However, you can go just about anywhere you can find some privacy, if you have it.

I still bring the big, blue shop towels for paper towels. That started for repairs to emergency vehicles, but I find they’re great for a lot of things. They’re always great when I have to disinfect stuff, in the COVID-19 world we’re living in now.

Masks, Gloves & Booties

Finally, on this side of the COVID-19 pandemic onset, we can’t go anywhere, without being prepared to defend ourselves against infection. That’s what the paper towels disinfectant up there is for, and the masks, boots, and booties. I am one who still believes in wearing latex gloves in the grocery store, but I throw them away when I get out. Whether you are going to use disposable gloves or masks, you have to make sure that they are disposed of.

I buy Tyvek booties to put on my shoes too. As with the gloves, when I come out of the shop, that gives me something I can throw away. But if you find yourself caught in the mud and have your nice shoes on, they’re still useful.


And I’m holding my car set for survival. This is something that I have been doing for years. My car’s trunk is a fully stocked emergency closet, with a wide