I live in a small desert town. There is the Truckee river, but that is a big problem for us downstream.
During the Gold Rush in our area, our river water was indefinitely tainted with Mercury… not good for drinking. In addition, access is difficult and miles away.
While pondering the idea of survival if things go south, I had to think of creative and AFFORDABLE ways to store water, and not just a little water.
My thoughts are 3 months of water if things were bad. I started with the usual things most of us do.
100 gallons over months from the store.
Of course, this is fine for drinking and cooking, but at a gallon a day per person, and additional water for some bartering, it just will not be enough.
So, I filled my few 5-gallon jugs like most of us have.
I knew I had to have more water. There’s cleaning, dishes, and even bathing.
If we were able to even get to a water source, it could be very dirty. Water from puddles on a rare day might rain or snow, low-lying muddy areas, and drainage ditches would not be safe to drink.
My next step was to purchase a coffee machine (to distill it), heavy-duty pans, and a 5 Gallon Zero Water filter with extra filters that might last 3-6 months.
If my emergency power source could not operate a coffee pot, I would have to boil any water in a large pot on my grill.
I still did not feel I had enough, so I purchased a large water filter.
110 Gallons of water, with the ability to convert dirty water, was a plus. I had to store more.
I tried to look up those 55 Gallon Jugs for water storage. 150$ for just one container seemed a lot for my budget.
I went to my local hardware store and purchased several 34 Gallon Rubber Made cans for app. 15$ a piece.
There were another 90 Gallons of water with decent lids. I keep these in my garage to avoid freezing temperatures and possible theft.
Then I watched a YouTube video, one of those doom and gloom prophecies of imminent disaster. Fearful an apocalypse might last 3-6 months, I knew we would need thousands of gallons of water, not 200 gallons.
As I sat on my backyard patio, enjoying a sunny day, I pondered the problem. I tried to think of an affordable solution. Where would I access that kind of water? How would I store so much water without spending a fortune?
Just then one of the kids called out:
“Hey, Ma, look at me” as my son held his breathe and ducked into the water of the 3 x 10-foot pool I bought last year. I looked at the pool and I looked at the old pool box that was still used for odds and ends.
‘Holds 1074 Gallons of Water’ the box touted. I observed the 30$ pool cover off to the side, the filter that ran most days, and the bleach/shock treatment used every so often to keep it clean.
I quickly recalled watching ‘Hotel Rwanda’ about the civil war in Uganda in 1994. The Hotel used their pool water for cooking and feeding their guests during the long weeks/months of power outages due to the war.
There were my thousand gallons of water, right in front of me. I ran to the computer and bought a second one.
Yes, there are concerns. When the power goes out, the filter will not work, so someone would have to move the water around with the pool cleaner a few times a day.
You would have to continue to test the water with the little tester strips overtime to help decide if it was safer to drink if it came to that.
The water would stay clear for weeks, if not months if treated properly and covered. It might not be perfect, but if you had to use it for drinking you could boil it then filter it in the 5-gallon filter.
It would be ideal to not have the inflatable tops but to have the hard-sided pools but be grateful for what you have. Use what you can.
I know with the winter comes the chance of a freeze or two, guess will just handle that as it comes. Upon our freezes last year, the pools did not freeze and held up well.
Overall, I credit my resourcefulness and creativity in finding ways to come up with this much water. There could be other issues such as security, which I have also addressed in other way… best saved for another article.
All in all, this brings our water stores to 2,348 gallons of water to date.
Mama always said, ‘Look around you, be smart, and use what you have. You might surprise yourself.’ Got to love your Mom.
Some will agree, and others will have issues with my water storage, but I am on a tight budget, and this best suits my family’s needs just in case S does HTF any day soon.
I live in a small desert town. There is the Truckee river, but that is a big problem for us downstream.
During the Gold Rush in our area, our river water
After any SHTF scenario or major natural disaster, food is going to be one of the most vital things to have available. You won’t be able to rely on what’s in stores – panic buying or looting will probably have cleaned them all out unless the police or the military have secured them first. Either way, the goods in them won’t be available to you. Unless you already have a working smallholding it’s going to take time before you can grow your own, as well. If you want to get through the initial months after the event you’re going to need to have substantial food stocks to hand– ideally enough for at least a year, but even two or three months’ worth will buy you time to become self-sufficient.
The food you store needs to be nutritious enough to keep you healthy, and have enough caloric value that you’ll be able to work hard for long days without feeling fatigued – surviving isn’t an easy task. It also needs to have enough variety not to become monotonous, and stocking up on a few favorites will help keep your morale up in stressful circumstances.
Unfortunately, you can’t just store anything you like. If you don’t have your own generator power will be unreliable, so you can’t depend on anything that needs to be kept frozen or refrigerated. That rules out most modern ready meals. Tinned food is a better bet – much of it can be safely stored at room temperature for years – but some tinned goods will also deteriorate. That’s also an expensive way to build up a reserve, so for most people, the realistic option will be to stockpile some staples – mostly carbohydrates – and use foraged or grown items to supplement them.
Many bulk foods, like pasta, beans, or dry white rice, can be stored almost indefinitely. Others can’t; over time they will go stale or rancid, and they can also attract pests. Here is an introduction to the main goods that you either CAN’T store or should do so with a lot of caution.
#10 Baked Goods
Baked goods can’t be stored for more than a few days without freezing, so it’s tempting to stock up on enough flour to let you bake your own for a few years. Unfortunately, this isn’t a great idea. Flour can be stored for a while, but it isn’t viable as a long-term option. Wheat flour will only last around eight months before deteriorating badly. Refined flour does a bit better, but even then it can only really be kept for around two years.
The major problem with flour is infestation by psocids, or booklice, which are tiny black or brown insects. Once the flour has been opened it will quickly attract these pests, and once they get in they’ll multiply quickly. To deter them always store flour in sealed airtight containers, and make sure it’s absolutely dry. Flour usually comes in paper packages, and psocids are well known for their ability to get through paper. If you want to store a few months’ supplies of flour then seal the bags inside plastic ones – if you can vacuum-pack them that’s even better – then store those in a plastic bin with a tight-fitting lid. Keep the area around the store clean and sweep up any spilled flour immediately (don’t mop it) to avoid attracting psocids. Never mix old and new flour.
If the SHTF you can’t rely on having more than two years’ supply of flour, why not store grain instead? This is protected by its natural husks, so it’s much more resistant to insects. Mice and rats can be a problem, though, so again pack wheat or barley in plastic bags and store them in a bin. Rats can chew through plastic – consider a thoroughly cleaned steel trash can. Another option is to buy flour and bake it into hardtack. You will find plenty of recipes for this traditional military and seafaring food. It’s extremely simple to make – just flour, water, and a pinch of salt – and if you keep it dry it will last for years.
#9 Canned Bread
There’s a popular recent trend for baking home-canned bread and cakes. These are simple to make; usually, you pour batter into Mason jars, bake them in the oven, then seal the jar and cool it. That creates a partial vacuum inside the jar, which will preserve the contents for a while. Canned baked goods, especially cakes, are often given as Christmas or birthday gifts, and that’s usually not a problem. However, a lot of people also say that they can be stored for up to a year; some claim they can be stored indefinitely.
It might sound tempting, but this is a really bad idea. The problem is a bacterium, Clostridium botulinum. This organism grows from tough spores that are found almost everywhere but will only grow in certain conditions. It thrives in moist, nutrient-rich environments with little or no oxygen – and unfortunately, the baking and canning process creates an environment that’s just about perfect for it. As the bacteria grow they produce a toxin, commonly known as botox, that can be lethal when it contaminates food.
There is no guaranteed way to make Botulinus-free canned bread at home. The spores are heat-resistant enough that baking won’t kill them, and although some scientists have developed bread recipes that are designed to prevent the bacteria from growing it’s just too easy to get it wrong. Canned bread is fine as a gift or treats that will be eaten within a few days, but it should never be stored long-term. It is definitely not safe, and the consequences can be deadly. In a survival situation, botox poisoning is untreatable. Don’t risk it.
#8 Canned Tomatoes
Most canned foods can be stored for a long time – often pretty much indefinitely. Tomatoes are one of the exceptions. The problem is the juice, which over time will attack the can. When you hear people complain about issues storing canned foods, a lot of the time it’s going to be a tomato product. Possible problems include bulged or leaking cans and even split seams.
Even if the can looks fine and there are no visible leaks it could have tiny perforations that mean it’s no longer airtight – and so it’s no longer safe. If you open any can of a tomato product and it’s discolored or has an unusual smell, don’t risk it – throw it out. Few preppers can resist keeping some canned tomatoes because they’re so versatile but don’t keep more than about six months’ worth and make sure you rotate your stock regularly.
#7 Canned Fat Meat (some)
There are risks in storing any kind of meat because it can host so many bacteria and parasites; canned varieties are among the safer ones but there are still limits. Meat contains fat, and fat is made up of acids; the contents can be acidic enough to damage the can. The quality will also go downhill after a while, so even if it’s still safe it won’t be very appetizing.
Canned tuna will also deteriorate – it tends to become mushy after long storage. Other canned foods are usually safe to keep for several years at least; texture and flavor may deteriorate, but they should stay edible. For best results keep cans in a dark, dry place with a constant cool temperature. Avoid uninsulated attics or garages, as these often have dramatic temperature changes. Basements are ideal as long as they don’t have a dampness problem. Damp conditions will eventually corrode cans, and this can let air in long before there are any visible leaks.
#6 Homemade Jerky
Compact dehydrators are becoming popular and a lot of preppers now have them. They’re a great way to make tasty and healthy fruit snacks, and of course, they’re a Godsend to any jerky fans. Commercial jerky is expensive, but you can make your own from cheap cuts of beef and it tastes just as good. Unfortunately, it isn’t as safe to store. Commercially made jerky is processed in industrial dehydrators that let the moisture content be very precisely controlled. Home models aren’t as predictable – even the humidity in your kitchen can affect the moisture content of the finished product. Homemade jerky is pretty safe for normal consumption, but if you store it for months or years there’s a risk from any bacteria that survived the drying process.
If you’re determined to store homemade jerky, vacuum pack it and include a silica gel sachet with each batch to soak up any excess moisture.
#5 Graham Crackers
These seem like a simple, trouble-free items to store, but they’re not – they develop a rancid taste over time. Don’t rely on them staying tasty for more than a year. You can extend that another year or two by repackaging them in vacuum-sealed packages, or in an airtight container with oxygen absorbers.
Long-term, a better idea is to have the ingredients to make your own graham crackers. It isn’t hard and you can find plenty of recipes online.
Many other crackers are also bad choices for long-term storage. Unless you take a lot of care to seal them in an airtight package they tend to go soft and lose their texture. Many also pick up a stale, unpleasant taste. It’s fine to have a few boxes of crackers in your SHTF stash but make sure you rotate through them regularly. Saltines are an example – these won’t stay fresh for more than about six months.
#4 Eggs
Eggs keep a lot better than most people realize; even if you don’t refrigerate them they still last for a week or more, and in the fridge, you can keep them for three weeks or so. Few people would seriously consider adding them to a long-term food store, though. Then again, there are some who believe it’s possible. Spend a lot of time around other preppers and somebody’s most likely going to tell you that, properly prepared, eggs can be kept good for months, or even years. Usually, two methods are suggested:
Dipping the eggs in petroleum jelly
Dunking them briefly in boiling water
The idea behind both of them is that they will seal the inside of the egg from any bacteria that could get in. This is not the case, and neither of these methods will extend the storage life of an egg. If you want to add eggs to your emergency food stash go for the powdered kind. They’re less flexible, and a bit less appetizing, but unlike fresh eggs, they can be stored safely for longer than a couple of weeks.
#3 Breakfast Cereals
The packaging on these isn’t sturdy or airtight enough for long-term storage. After a year or so they’ll soften and start to taste stale. If you’re looking for a breakfast carb option, consider oatmeal instead. It will last for years and it’s also a lot more nutritious. If you do decide to keep a supply of cereals don’t buy it in huge bulk boxes – once it’s opened the slow deterioration will speed up dramatically. Opt for standard-size packs that you can eat in a week or two.
#2 Butter
Butter will last a lot longer than most dairy products except hard cheeses, but it’s still not a good choice for long-term storage. Wrapped or home-canned butter should be completely avoided; commercially canned can be kept for a while, but be sure to rotate it regularly to avoid old cans turning rancid at the back of your shelf.
#1 Nut Oils
A lot of people think these are healthy alternatives to vegetable oil. They definitely produce tasty meals, but they don’t keep well. Avoid nut oils if you can.
Other cooking oils are generally safe for long-term storage, but some care is needed. Don’t buy large containers; once they’ve been opened the oil will begin to oxidize, which isn’t just bad for the flavor – it can produce dangerous chemicals when the affected oil is heated. Don’t try to save money by buying in bulk and then decanting to smaller bottles – you’ll also mix air in, and that will just oxidize it even faster. Instead, buy oils in standard bottles. That way it should be used by the time it starts to deteriorate too badly.
Some of the items on this list make planning your food storage awkward – flour is probably the worst because it’s so widely used. You can keep your carbohydrate intake up with other choices, though, with pasta and rice being favorites. If you have the skills and equipment to grind your own flour it’s possible to store large quantities of wheat, and this will stay edible for years (or more likely decades) as long as you protect it well from vermin.
Any food will last longer if it’s properly looked after; equally, they will all deteriorate more quickly if the storage conditions aren’t right. If there’s something you’re not sure about asking local preppers – they might be able to tell you (although some have their own ideas, so always get a couple more opinions before splashing out a few hundred dollars on foods you can’t store. Finally, use airtight outer packaging when you can to deter pests, and keep your food in the right conditions. Consider investing in vacuum-packing gear. Good luck!
After any SHTF scenario or major natural disaster, food is going to be one of the most vital things to have available. You won’t be able to rely on what’s
There’s a reason preppers and even just people who like a well-stocked pantry purchase canned goods. They hold up for a long time, years even. They’re generally easy to prepare, many items requiring no more preparation than a quick warming in order to make sure the food is free from harmful microorganisms. Cans also come ready to store, no extra prep needed to sock them away for long-term storage.
Plenty of staples like beans, soup, veggies, fruit, and pasta are commonly found in the average family’s pantry, and found in great quantities in preppers’ stores. Those staples would get boring quickly, though. If you’re looking to add some unique and exotic foods to your food storage for either variety in your diet or for trading, read on for a look at the following canned goods you didn’t know existed.
1. Bread
Canned bread is totally a thing, and it’s available in several different varieties. While it’s likely more practical to store ingredients to make your own bread for the long-term, canned bread could be a tasty, quick way to a full belly and to get some carbohydrates into your system. You can find Original and Raisin Brown Bread by B & M in many stores or online.
2. Butter
Would you miss butter if you suddenly didn’t have access to the supermarket? No big deal, you can get that canned, too. There are a few brands of canned butter available, and it’s rather expensive since it’s not canned in the US. However, it’d be a lovely treat in a SHTF situation, and fat is a crucial part of the diet. For a less expensive canned butter, opt for powdered butter, instead.
3. Pudding
Canned pudding is more often found in Europe, but you can find it in stores in the US, too, as any buffet or cafeteria worker attest. Whatever your favorite type of pudding, it’s likely available in a can.
4. Cake
A pudding in the European sense that refers more to a desert dish in general, you can get canned Spotted Dick made by Simpson’s. It’s essentially a sponge cake with spices and raisins. While it doesn’t quite fit into what we think of as a cake in everyday life, I bet it’d be an incredible birthday treat in a SHTF situation.
5. Bacon
Very few people don’t like bacon, so it’s great that Yoder makes it in a can for long-term storage. It’s salty, fatty, and flavorful, which makes it great for spicing up boring food made from more traditional prepper food items. You don’t need much of it to transform a pot of soup or some powdered eggs.
6. Cheese
While making your own cheese isn’t rocket science, there is a lot of actual science involved, and the raw materials needed may not be easy to come by. So, there’s canned cheese. While it’s not quite like what we think of as ‘real’ cheese, canned cheese has plenty of fat and flavor to be a worthwhile addition to your prepper’s pantry. Check out Kraft’s Prepared Pasteurized Cheddar cheese or Heinz’s Macaroni Cheese for reasonably priced options.
7. Hamburger
Generally, people think of canned hamburger being home-canned. However, it’s available in cans from both Yoders and Keystone. There are even pre-seasoned canned hamburger products available, like the taco meat by Yoders.
8. Whole Chicken
Canned whole chicken, like those available from Sweet Sue, are good for more than just the meat. When the entire chicken is canned, all the gelatin and fat is preserved, allowing you to make a fantastic chicken soup.
9. Sandwiches
Also known as the Candwich, these canned sandwiches will be available in several different flavors. They haven’t quite hit the open market yet, but they’re coming! They come in a can about the size of a soda can with a peel off top. They’re perfect for on-the-go eating.
10. Potato Salad
Who knew this traditional, delicious picnic side was available in a can? Canned potato salad would be a good way to add a little flavor into your preps, and it can be eaten warm or chilled, making it a more versatile side dish than you’d possibly realized.
11. Tamales
We’re talking whole tamales here. Simply heat these canned tamales up, maybe add some fresh veggies or canned cheese to them, and voila! You’ve created an entire meal by simply opening the can. These provide a ready-made meal in a solid form, which can have profound positive psychological impacts. While canned soup is great for filling you up and providing a decent balance, it’s simply not the most satisfying food out there.
12. Cheeseburger
Made in Switzerland, these rather expensive canned cheeseburgers aren’t very practical, but they’re a fun addition to your preps. You simply boil the whole can and open for a tasty (that’s subjective, of course) cheeseburger.
13. Escargot
Even if you don’t care much for fancy seafood, there are plenty of canned sea food items that could be great for bartering. Apart from escargot, you can find crab, lobster, and other shellfish canned for long-term storage.
14. Duck Confit
Popular in France, canned duck with fat doesn’t seem terribly popular in the US. However, the high fat content in this canned dish could prove to be helpful in a SHTF situation. It’s great for soups and stews, and it adds a sumptuous touch that you won’t often find in the world of canned goods.
Whatever you prepping goals, consider adding some non-conventional canned goods to your stores. Variety, after all, is the spice of life. We need a variety of foods to stay at our healthiest, and because of this, people generally want a bit of variety in their diet.
The humor factor that many of the above items bring to the table shouldn’t be discounted, either. Psychological health will be remarkable important if society collapses, as well, so attending to our psychological needs shouldn’t be overlooked. As is always the case with canned good storage, be sure you’re properly storing cans and rotating your stock as necessary.
Personally, I think that tallow is one of those things capable of making your stomach spin like a washing machine. I really don’t have anything against the stuff – Hell, I myself have used that stuff more than a few times to cook or to make emergency candles, but the very sight of it…sometimes… I’m only human, after all.
Now, personal feeling aside, tallow or grease obtained by cooking suet, which is the fatty tissue surrounding the organs of various animals, is one of those survival items that shouldn’t be missing from your household emergency kit. Yes, I know that you live in the big city and there’s at least one corner store around from where you can buy cooking oil, but tallow can do more than that. I usually keep around one or two kilos of pork tallow around the house in case, you know, I need to make stuff.
In remembering just how nasty the kitchen smelled when my grandma was preparing tallow, I thought it might be a good idea to share with you a couple of useful hints on how to use this stuff. So, without further ado, here are 28 ways you can use tallow in a shit hits the fan situation.
1. Cooking
Obviously, the first item on the list had to be a no-brainer. Yup, as disgusting as that stuff looks, it’s apparently better for deep frying than regular sunflower seed oil. I mostly use it to fry bacon or to prepare goulash in my cast-iron camping pot. It also goes well with other dishes like fish or pork chops. A friend of mine uses tallow to can pork meat. The process is more or less similar to brining. However, in this case, the salter water’s replaced by melted tallow. Give it a go and see how you like it.
2. Enhanced sharpening
In the olden days, blacksmiths used to dip the newly-forged blades into pork or even dog tallow in order to hasten the sharpening process. Moreover, knife blades coated in a very thin layer of pork tallow stay sharper longer compared to those that are, let’s say, dry-sharpened.
3. Gun maintenance
Long before gun grease became available, soldiers would oil their weapons with tallow. By the way, it’s tallow that led to the Indian revolt, which drove the East India Company out of the country. During the British dominion, Indian regulars were conscripted in order to serve Her Majesty’s interests in the Indies. Apparently, one of the many reasons that led to the Indians turning against the English was the new Lee Enfield rifle. The new version of the gun used a tallow-coated cartridge, which was designed to protect the barrel. Since Indians abhor pork, they refused to handle the new rifles, which ultimately led to the 1857 Rebellion.
4. Bacteria buster
Tallow has strong anti-bacterial properties. In fact, our ancestors used this stuff in order to treat candida and yeast infections.
5. Solder away, soldier!
All out of flux for your soldering project? Not a problem. Dip the hot end of your soldering iron in tallow, and carry on.
6. Skincare
Yes, I know the idea of rubbing tallow on your skin seems out of a Hannibal Lecter movie or something, but it actually works. Sure, you won’t come off smelling like the proverbial rose garden, but at least your skin will be silky smooth.
7. Keeping away foul body odor
Now that summer’s around the bend; you will need something cheap and efficient at keeping that nasty armpit smell at bay. Sure, you can waste away that hard-earned cash on expensive beauty products, or you can try this simple recipe – melt some tallow and mix with one tablespoon of baking soda. Allow that stuff to harden and profit. I personally like to apply a fine layer after getting out of the shower. To prevent your armpits from smelling like a cooking lady’s kitchen, use a bit of scented oil.
8. Prevents diaper rash
If you ever run out of talcum powder after wiping your toddler’s behind, rub a little bit of tallow. It really works wonders on diaper rashes.
9. Putting some meat on your pets’ bones
Nowadays, pet food is as deficient in nutrients just like human food. If your pet needs to gain a little bit of weight, mixt its favorite wet food with tallow.
10. Great for a good night’s sleep
Have problems summoned the Sandman? Maybe it’s because your brain doesn’t have enough fats and amino acids to kickstart the so-called restorative sleep. How to fix this? Swallow a tablespoon of tallow each day. Yes, I know it sounds odd, but it really works (cured me of insomnia).
11. Neutralizes venom from insect bites
If you got stung by a wasp, hornet, or bee, rub a little bit of tallow on the sting site. The fat will draw out and neutralize the venom.
12. Hemorrhoids away!
Well, hemorrhoids are a pain in the ass, indeed. What’s worse is that no matter what cream you use, it will take a while for them to subside. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, you can replace your regular antibiotic cream with tallow. Yes, I know that rubbing grease in the spot where the sun doesn’t shine might come off like the intro of a really bad adult flick, but, hey, at least you can now sit on your tushy without that excruciating pain.
13. Lice slayer!
Head lice, because I don’t even want to consider the other variety, are damned hard to get rid of. Well, according to this old-world remedy, a lice-laden scalp can be cured using a mixture of apple cider vinegar and tallow.
14. Health super boost
Research has shown that patients who consume tallows on a regular basis are less likely to experience a heart condition compared to those who would rather stay away from that stuff. Furthermore, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, tallow plays a key role in preventing vascular dementia such as Alzheimer’s and some forms of blood cancer.
15. Making screwing fun again
No, not that kind of screwing (I don’t even think that stuff can be used for bouncy-bouncy). If a screw is moving too slow or not at all, try using a little bit of grease on the tip. By the way, you can also use a 50-50 tallow and cider mixture to remove rust from screws, bolts, nails, and even tools.
16. Great for lubricating moving parts
All out of WD 40? No problem. Just use a little bit of grease to get those moving parts, well, moving again, I guess.
17. Rocking the gentleman look
Did you know that tallow was used to make mustache wax? Yup, if you have a great pair of whiskers, use a little bit of pork tallow to make them shine. That stuff can also replace hair gel, although I wouldn’t advise it on account of the smell.
18. Doubles as shaving cream
If the lumberjack style is not your kind of gig, you can always use a bit of tallow should you ever run out of shaving cream? That thing will moisten the hair strand, making shaving a lot easier. I know that the best fresh-out-of-the-shower shave is the best practice, but I personally prefer this method when I’m on the run and don’t have the time to step into the shower.
19. Boost the efficiency of breast milk
According to researchers, tallow increases the number of nutrients normally found inside the mother’s milk. Baby breastfed will tallow-infused milk is better protected against allergies and infantile diseases. Furthermore, since tallow has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring properties, it’s recommended for stretching marks aka the tell-tale signs of pregnancy.
20. Keep darkness at bay
Every problem in this world can be solved with a little illumination. In case you run out of emergency candles, lamp oil, or tac light batteries, you can make 6-hour candles using tallow. Check out my article on how to make emergency candles from bacon. The principle is the same.
21. Washy-washy
You know the saying: cleanliness is next to godliness. However, that may be a bit difficult if you run out of soap. Not to worry – tallow has been used for centuries in home soapmaking. Melt, boil, add some essential oils place in molds, allow to harden, and wash.
22. Leather care
Nice leather shoes! It would be a shame if something would happen to them. Well, nothing bad is going to happen to your leather shoes, jacket or pants if you rub some tallow on them. Apart from the fact that fat rejuvenates tanning products, it also adds a weatherproof layer.
23. Say bye-bye to cooking oil
If you ever get tired of using olive, sunflower, or palm tree oil for cooking, you can always replace it with tallow. Moreover, this stuff’s so good, that it will give your favorite pastries an entirely different taste.
24. Eco-friendly cars FTW!
It’s possible to make your vehicle even more eco-friendly by replacing the regular motor oil with a special tallow mixture. Motor oils made from tallow are biodegradable and boast the same performances as the regular variety.
25. No more allergies
The only thing I hate about spring is that white tree fuzz which makes me sneeze like there’s no tomorrow. I can’t say if it’s an allergy or simply the fact that my body doesn’t like fuzz, but in any case, I found out that tallow really helps. I have the same problem, but a little tallow inside each nostril before leaving the house. The fact will act as a filter and barrier. You’re welcome!
26. No more balding or brittle nails
There comes a time in a man’s life when he needs to swap the comb for a wet towel. Well, eventually, all those gorgeous locks of yours are going to fade away, but not right now. Now, if you have a similar issue, you should definitely consider applying a thin layer of tallow. You should do this after stepping out of the shower. The nutrients inside the tallow will stimulate hair growth. It also works wonders on brittle nails.
27. Better than butter
Although butter’s better than margarine, the docs recommend using tallow instead of regular butter. Yeah, I wouldn’t try to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with that stuff, but it tastes great when combined with smoked foods or dairy products. Careful with that stuff because it packs more fat than butter and margarine combined.
28. No more poison ivy itching
If you went a couple of rounds with poison ivy, rub some tallow over the area to get rid of the itching.
Well, that’s about it on ingenious ways to use tallow around the house and in a shit hits the fan situation. What’s your take on tallow? Hit the comments section and let me know.
Other Self-sufficiency and Preparedness solutions recommended for you:
The Lost Ways (The vital self-sufficiency lessons our great grand-fathers left us) Survival MD (Knowledge to survive any medical crisis situation) Backyard Liberty (Liberal’s hidden agenda: more than just your guns…) Alive After the Fall (Build yourself the only unlimited water source you’ll ever need) The Lost ways II (4 Important Forgotten Skills used by our Ancestors that can help you in any crisis) The Patriot Privacy Kit (Secure your privacy in just 10 simple steps)
Originating in the Eastern region of the Mediterranean, kale was cultivated as food as early as 2000 B.C. Not only was kale cultivated as a food source, but it was also considered to be medicinal. It was used for treating bowel conditions.
As a vegetable, kale is a member of the cabbage family as well as the mustard family, kale is even a part of the Brussel sprout family. With its hearty crisp earthy flavor, it offers up plenty of flavor and nutrients.
As a cruciferous vegetable, kale offers up plenty of delicious options and, since it is available in greens and purples, it also offers up some color in an otherwise boring meal.
Three Main Types Of Kale
There are actually three main types of kale. There is the most common variety of curly kale (also referred to as Scots kale), the curly green leaves are what you’ll find most often in the produce section of the grocery store.
This type of kale is just fine for your kale chips and dehydrating. It’s also great in salads and other meals. They have a pretty green shade to them and the leaves are very curly or ruffly. The center stem is hard and fibrous.
There is also the Lacinato or also called the dinosaur kale. This variety is a dark blue-green shade. It’s called dinosaur kale due to its scaly texture. It boasts longer flatter leaves that will remain very similar in texture after cooking. It’s not as bitter as its cousin the curly kale and is frequently used for making kale chips. It’s also an ideal addition to other meals and there is little taste difference other than the fact that this particular type of kale isn’t quite as bitter as the curly kale.
Red Russian Kale
Another favorite is Red Russian Kale. This is a flat-leaved variety that is very similar in shape to oak leaves. It boasts stalks that are slightly purple and the leaves of this particular variety have a reddish tinge. The stalks of this particular variety are fibrous and not typically eaten as frequently as they are rather chewy. It’s very similar to sorrel and boasts a hint of lemon and pepper. It’s still a great option for salads and sandwiches, however, it’s most frequently used as a garnish or in juice. It can also work for kale chips and to dehydrate if desired.
Kale is a cool season vegetable that is most often grown in the cooler winter months. It’s an ideal addition when there aren’t as many fruits and vegetables available. Winter kale is ideally cooked as the sugars in winter vegetables can turn to starch which makes them bitterer and more fibrous. Kale doesn’t require a whole lot of garden care. You can plant it and allow it to grow just as you would any other form of cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and lettuces that all do well in the cooler weather.
Related: 15 Vegetables You Can Plant In The Fall
There Are Many Great Nutrients in Kale
Kale has often been called one of the superfoods. Full of antioxidants, fiber, and a variety of other vitamins and minerals, just one cup of raw kale includes the following vitamins and minerals:
Vitamin A from beta-carotene
Vitamin K (helps with blood clotting)
Vitamin C
Vitamin B6
Kale also contains 3 or more percent of the daily value of Vitamin B1 which is also called thiamin, Vitamin B2 or riboflavin, Vitamin B3 or niacin as well as phosphorus and iron. With a total caloric value of 33 and 6 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of protein, it’s perhaps one of the more perfect foods to include in your diet.
Containing a large portion of Omega 3 fatty acids and little other fat, kale is rich in nutrients and low in calories which makes it ideal for those who are watching their weight and are still hungry.
Benefits of Kale
Kale’s valuable nutrients help to support healthy hair, skin, and bones. They promote a healthier lifestyle and will go far in helping to build strong bones, healthy skin, and healthier hair.
Kale is full of fiber that can aid in digestion and improve cardiovascular health. Statistics show that a diet high in fiber can do wonders for the cardiovascular system as well as the digestive system.
Kale has more nutritional value than spinach. Kale can help to improve the blood and circulatory system.
Kale may help to enhance blood glucose control in those who are struggling with diabetes. This may make it easier to manage a healthy diet and avoid too much sugar.
Kale may lower the risk of some cancers.
Kale may help to lower higher blood pressure. For those who are seeking a more natural way to reduce their blood pressure, a diet rich in kale may go far to aid them in this endeavor.
Kale may help in the prevention and development of the breathing condition asthma.
Kale is high in potassium which may help it to lower the risk of many heart conditions and diseases.
Kale is delicious when added to salads and smoothies and can greatly boost the nutritional value of such foods.
Kale can aid in boosting well-being and the prevention of many health issues.
Kale is full of antioxidants as well as calcium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K which can all aid in helping to boost the immune system.
Kale has chlorophyll which may aid in many health conditions. Chlorophyll can aid the body in helping it to flush out toxins and it can help to improve the cardiovascular system.
Kale is a rich source of iron which can help to prevent anemia. Iron also helps your blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. This helps to increase your red blood cells.
Kale can help to improve the minerals in a person’s body.
Kale can aid in the development of healthy cells throughout the body.
Kale has plenty of magnesium which is a vital mineral that many don’t get enough of. Magnesium may aid in the protection of diabetes type 2 as well as many heart conditions.
Kale, unlike spinach, is low in oxalates. Oxalates can prevent the body from absorbing minerals that it needs to maintain health.
Kale contains lutein which is excellent for eye health and the prevention of macular degeneration.
Kale has isothiocyanates which can help to detoxify the body and prevent tumors.
Serving Suggestions
Kale Chips
Step One:
Pick or purchase fresh kale. Rinse your freshly picked or purchased kale well and gently pat the kale dry with a paper towel or clean towel. Prepare your baking sheet or your dehydrator trays to place the kale chips on. A baking sheet should be oiled with olive oil.
Step Two:
Gently remove the leaves from the kale by holding the stem in one hand, and removing the leaves with your other hand. Toss out any yellowing or browning leaves and keep only the green or purple leaves. Once you’ve removed the leaves, you simply place them on either a baking sheet that’s been oiled with olive oil or onto a dehydrating tray.
Don’t overcrowd the kale. You want it to have plenty of olive oil on it and you want it to have plenty of room and not overlap.
Step Three:
Sprinkle the top of your kale with more olive oil taking care that all of the kale has been gently brushed with the olive oil. You may wish to toss the kale lightly around on the pan or tray ensuring that it’s completely covered in the oil.
If you prefer, you can use a different type of oil just make sure that it’s a healthy oil and that you coat the leaves fairly evenly, the oil helps the leaves to crisp up and it helps to adhere the seasonings to the leaves when you’re crisping them.
Step Four:
Season your kale with your favorite seasonings. We like pink Himalayan sea salt, a pinch of garlic powder, onion powder, and a pinch of chili powder on our kale leaves, but you may prefer something different.
(Other suggested seasonings: Lime or citrus peel that is ground fine, cayenne pepper, pepper flakes, garlic salt, basil, curry, etc.).
Step Five:
Set your oven to 275 degrees Fahrenheit, or your dehydrator to the vegetable setting (on my Excalibur dehydrator this is 125 degrees Fahrenheit but you may have a different style of dehydrator so follow your dehydrator’s instructions).
Step Six:
Place your kale baking sheet into the oven or into your dehydrator and allow the kale to crisp. It takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes in the oven. Turn the kale gently and allow it to completely crisp on both sides.
Turn the oven off and allow it to sit until it’s all crisp. Oven temperatures often vary so use your best judgment and remember that it’s okay to leave your kale in the oven longer or even for a lesser amount of time to achieve your desired amount of crispness.
For dehydrators, check it after about 15 minutes. You won’t need to turn the kale in the dehydrator. In my dehydrator, at the setting for Vegetables and 125 degrees Fahrenheit it took my kale about an hour to make crispy kale chips.
Many people like the kale fresh out of the oven or dehydrator. Some people even like a fresh sprinkle of sea salt on the kale chips when they are removed from the oven or dehydrator.
If you have leftover kale after making chips; you can store your crisp kale chips in a plastic container with a lid. Kale chips are fragile and if you try to put them in a plastic zipper style bag they tend to crumble easily and become “kale dust”.
However, if you’re trying to sneak some nutrition into a meal and the kids tell you that they don’t like kale, this is an ideal way to go about it. Most kids won’t even know you’ve snuck some kale dust into their meals if you do it like this.
Kale chips are an excellent replacement for fat-laden potato chips if you’re trying to lose weight. Kale offers a variety of health benefits in comparison to potato chips. If you’re trying to lose weight, try replacing fatty potato chips with kale chips and see if you‘re not feeling healthier and losing some of that weight.
Kale, Sausage, Potato Soup
This is another kale favorite in my family and it’s really easy to make. Here’s our favorite recipe for this delicious soup:
1 pound of your favorite sausage (we like an Italian sausage but you can use any kind you like)
4 large sized potatoes or the equivalent amount in smaller potatoes
1 medium sweet onion chopped
1 clove garlic chopped
2 to 3 handfuls of kale, chopped (you can also use dehydrated kale for this or powdered kale as desired)
3 to 4 cups chicken stock (you can substitute plain water, or another kind of soup stock if you prefer)
1 Tablespoon of butter
Brown sausage, onion, and garlic until sausage in a medium soup pan until the sausage is cooked through.
While the sausage is browning with the onions and garlic, peel potatoes and dice into bite-sized pieces. After the sausage, onion and garlic are browned add in the potatoes with just enough chicken stock (water or stock of your choice) to cover the potatoes and cook until the potatoes are cooked through and just tender.
If your soup is too thick, you can add in more chicken stock (water or stock of your choice) to thin it down a bit.
Toss in the kale and stir it into the soup gently. Add the butter to the top and allow the butter to melt while the kale simmers. If desired, you can add about 2/3’s of a cup of milk to this. Sometimes, we will take out about a cup of the soup and mash the potatoes and return them to the soup to thicken the soup. It all depends on our mood at the time.
Serve hot with some garlic toast and you have a healthy hearty meal that will satisfy even the hungriest of the crew.
Dehydrated Kale
If you prefer, you can prepare the kale as above for chips and leave out the seasonings. Store dehydrated kale in a plastic container, a glass jar with a lid, or a plastic zippered bag and add it to your meals to increase the nutritional value of your meals. It’s ideal when added to soups, stews, eggs, casseroles, sandwich spreads, fried potatoes, and anything else you can think of to add.
Dehydrated kale won’t overpower your meals if you just sneak in smaller amounts such as ½ to 1 cup per above-mentioned food item. Kale will greatly boost the nutritional value and help to nurture and improve health.
Add some dehydrated kale to your pizza sauce to add some great nutrition to your pizza.
Raw Kale is also ideal to tear up and put raw into salads.
You can use raw kale to replace lettuce on tacos or sandwiches.
Serve kale steamed as you would steamed spinach for a delicious side dish.
Saute kale with a bit of onion and bacon for a unique taste treat.
Add some kale to soups as they simmer on your stovetop or put some into a casserole.
Kale is a delicious addition to a smoothie or if you’re juicing. Simply add a handful or two of kale to the rest of your ingredients for a delicious and nutritious taste treat. Dehydrated kale can also be added in lieu of fresh kale.
Potential Health Risks Of Kale
As always, there are a few potential side effects of kale if you’re on certain medications or if you have specific medical conditions. Keep in mind that if you are on any medication, it’s always wise to check with your doctor or your pharmacist before you add kale to your diet.
There are a few health risks of kale if you’re on beta-blockers, for example, you’ll want to know that kale will increase the levels of potassium in the blood. Foods that are high in potassium should only be eaten in moderation if you’re taking any beta-blockers.
If you have a kidney condition too much potassium may be harmful as well. Many kidney conditions mean that the body can’t remove excess potassium from the body and this could lead to a fatal overload of potassium. Eating kale may increase the levels of potassium in such individuals so be sure to check with your doctor first if you have any kind of kidney condition.
Thanks to the large amount of Vitamin K in kale, which offers 1,062.1 mcg of Vitamin K per serving of kale. Kale can aid in the clotting of blood. People who are on blood thinners like Warfarin or even Coumadin, shouldn’t eat kale without first discussing the potential risks with their doctor or pharmacist.
If you’re feeling stomach upset or have digestive issues after eating kale, you may be eating too much of a good thing at a time. Try eating less fresh kale or adding less dehydrated kale into your foods, smoothies, or juices and see if you’re not feeling better.
How Different Regions Enjoy Kale
Kale is a perfect food and different countries enjoy kale served differently. Keep in mind that these are just a few examples of how other countries and regions enjoy Kale. There are many other great ways to enjoy kale out there.
North America: Kale is often served as chips, steamed, braised, and fresh in salads.
South America: Brazil uses Kale in a side dish that is a type of a stew called feijoada.
Africa: Boiled and served with coconut milk. It may also be served with ground peanuts, in cornmeal, and in rice dishes.
Europe: Many Europeans enjoy a traditional New Years’ Danish that boasts boiled ham, glazed potatoes, and a healthy serving of stewed kale.
Netherlands: Often served with smoked sausage and mashed potatoes with fried bacon and kale are boerenkoolstamppot.
Italy: Kale is often included in Tuscan foods and soups. Italy is famous for many things and their soups are often full of nutritious vegetables including kale. Many an Italian soup has kale floating in the delicious broth.
Denmark and Southwest Sweden: Kale is often served with ham at Christmas in these regions.
Scotland: Kale is frequently served in Scotland in a variety of ways. They have a term that if one is “off one’s kail” one is feeling too sick to eat.
Asia: Kale is frequently served in a variety of dishes in China, Vietnam, Taiwan, and South Korea. It’s frequently used in juices and called “green juice”. It’s a nice addition to stir fries as well as to other Asian dishes. It’s frequently added to meals in its dehydrated form to boost nutrition and flavor.
Kale is perhaps one of the most perfect foods. It’s low in calories; high in minerals and vitamins, and it offers plenty of fiber to the diet. It’s a delicious addition to many meals and there are endless ways to enjoy kale from kale chips, dehydrated kale, and fresh kale. If you’re looking for perfect heart-healthy food, you may wish to consider adding kale to your next meal.
If you’re not currently growing kale in your personal family garden, you can often find kale at Farmer’s markets, in organic grocery stores, in regular grocery stores, and in your neighbors’ garden.
In our area, some of the homesteads tend to do better for some vegetables over others, so we often trade produce and each homestead grows produce that does very well in their particular garden. We then trade the produce back and forth so that each homestead has plenty of fresh produce during the fall season.
Originating in the Eastern region of the Mediterranean, kale was cultivated as food as early as 2000 B.C. Not only was kale cultivated as a food source, but it was